I am a moment ago so worried!!?

i hadnt had my period since 3 months....i am liberal of losing hair and i am acquirement weight so nippy...so u think its a thyroid problem if then why is it up? i am scared to relate my mom about it..because i know she is gona freak out..what should i do? i am so worrried..

Can a woman?

You really inevitability to tell your mom because you enjoy a medical problem that needs to be fixed. The lone way to do i.e. have your mom cart you to the doctor.

It does sound approaching your thyroid. That's easily fixed beside medication.

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Why would your mother freak over need to get a physical at the docs organization. If you are young your term may be irregular for a while yet. Your other symptoms do have need of to get checked out so purely tell her what is going on and consent to her know you think you necessitate to see your doctor.

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First you call for to get a grip on your emotion. Next thing you call for to do is call and catch an appointment with your doctor. Sounds to me approaching a thyroid situation. Get some pills and get ancient the fears.

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I know you don't want to communicate your mom, but trust me, this is not your common cold and you have need of to go see a doctor as soon as you can.

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Well the first thing u enjoy to do is tell ur mom even if she freaks out cuz u inevitability to get checked out, those symptoms are not run of the mill.please don't make the mistake of not letting ur mom know what is going on beside u with what ever situation that u hold even if you fear a unpromising reaction,you be surprise if she give u a opposite impulse.

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sounds resembling you may be pregnant and the losing hair, stress, Is that why your moms gonna freakout? its not something you could make disappear for very long. you should natter to your mom

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Your going to catch mom when she's not surrounded by a hurry or in the middle of something. Either evening after dinner or this Saturday morning while she is relaxing have a cup of coffee or what ever her choice of morning drink is. If coffee make sure she have a cup already. Now its time. Sit down and say mom I love you (she know something coming) I'm scared, I don't know whats wrong. My curls is falling out and I'm afraid I am going bald I don't know whats wrong. HELP. This should acquire you on your way to abet without breakdown of poor mom. Remember she loves you and if she freaks out its from her love of you. There's no other passageway kid so good luck. Timing is everything so foot attention. Do it sooner than later. If you could work it into tomorrows daytime would be good. That course you can get into doctor right away, so you don't own to wait the weekend out. The longer you loaf the harder it will be. It could be just stress. So try not to read to much into it. If you regard your with newborn get a exam at pharmacy. Still SOONER than later conversation to MOM.

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It could be, but you do call for to tell ur mom wreak you need to take to a dr hun

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Just put in the picture your mom...if you are hypothyroid it will just be a pill to fix it, nil that will freak out the normal party.

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