1st time Smear/Pap exam hurting.?

Hi, Im 28, I had my 1st smear assessment ever today, 16/02/2007. Oh boy, it did hurt. I felt everything, the speculum thingy feel as though it was too big for me, and it hurt. However, I hold had profusely of stress. Anyway, after it now feel very brused inside and feel a bit swollen, is this normal. Didnt be aware of like it past the nurse completed the smear test. I did try and relax as much as possible, but it merely hurt when she went into the cervix itself. any design? is this normal?

Many Thanks

Had undprotected sex for a couple of days, have period on the dot was strapping w/clots.took a preg test?

You be definately nervous, which mode you were not relaxed. It's intricate to be relaxed during a smear, but unfortunately it's a division of life as a woman.
They can definately be discomfited, and can make you perceive continual disconfort afterwards.
But well done on have it done! Although, 28 is very ancient to be having your first smear! I'm guessing you be super nervous something like the whole conception, and that's why you have put it stale for so long. In that case it's pardonable that you were taut and it hurt.
I'm 26 and have have several. And I have to articulate, they do get better. The second one is other better than the first.
Best of luck.

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It is regular to feel some discomfort. There are different sizes of speculum, so perchance your health contemplation provider used one that was bigger. Some women enjoy no sensation during the pap smear and others experience it as a "pinching" or "tugging" feeling. It does appear sometimes that women have cramp during the collection. I also hear that occasionally, the cervix will bleed for a few minutes after the pap. It could be that just because it be your first test, you be nervous and not completely relaxed...

Help solitary for females?

wow. you are 28 and jsut got your question paper. thats not normal. you are suppost to procure it with your first sexual encounter or when you are 21. i assume you wer just super fearful, paps dont hurt, but are just for a while uncomfortable, if you are impression pain after the trial, call the nurse and ask her why. its not regular

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Stress should not effect this either. The one and only way it could hurt is if you be fighting the speculum and they would enjoy stopped.
It should not be hurting like that. I would appointment the doctor's office and permit them know. That is not normal. I know for me they use a smaller speculum and the ONLY time I enjoy every felt distress from a pelvic exam is when I had a biopsy.

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Yeah this is never fun...be more proactive next time..ask for a heated and smaller speculum....narrate them that you are nervous...do some wide breathing while they are doing the swabs...unusual to go into the cervix too far..if they are ask them why...yeah..I usually be aware of pretty assaulted after my exam...but this will pass soon...its worth it to protect yourself from cervical cancer....

Late extent, or skipped? Any other reasons why?

A woman can deliver a 10-pound babe vaginally. A speculum is NOT too big for you.

This is normal if you desire to tense up. And that's precisely what you did.

Deep breathing exercises will support you to relax under any situation. Breath within deeply and slowly, through your proboscis and then exhale, lately as slowly and thoroughly, through slighty pursed lips. Keep doing that.

Girly troubles!?

Good you have your first pap - but you should have have it about 10 years ago. Better slow, than never though.

A little discomfort is normal, but for it to hurt - I predict nerves played a big part. The vaginal muscles would tighten spontaneously if you're timid or uncomfortable.

Next year, during your annual stop by, tell the doctor/nurse you're a bit uneasy and you'd like the smallest speculum (they DO own them and they ARE more comfortable!). Then, just back she/he inserts the speculum, take a relaxed insightful breath, tighten the vaginal muscles and release them just as the speculum is inserted. This conscious hard work of releasing the muscles will keep them from involuntarily tightening. As for the cervix, some mild cramping may go off. But it should subside quickly.

Remember - it does return with easier and go every year!

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