Cervical cancer shot? share me nearly it?

im terrified. im gonna freak out. ive heard its raw. tell me honestly. i need the truth. does it hurt? whats it approaching? should i be scared? how long does it last?

Does it hurt the first time?

aching?! lol, no. Its just a regular shot and its a very honourable vaccine to get. You get 3 of them over the course of 6 months. They are exceptionally quick and its a split second prick and you are done! LOL why are you terrified?? Once you take the three shots, you do not need to get another!

Am i pregnant?

The HPV vaccine does hurt more than a ordinary shot in my opinion. But it's exceedingly, very fast. Look away, and by the time you've turned to look final because you felt the needle prick you the nozzle will be out. Literally that fast. My arm normally hurts for 1-2 days afterward. More of an achey stomach-ache, but I can't sleep on that side the first night because the pressure makes it hurt.

Think of it this approach though: This tiny bit of pain 3 times, or cervical cancer? Don't be scared though! Really, it isn't that unpromising. It hurts, but it's not like getting stiches, or getting a cortizone ((spl?)) shot. Now THAT hurts!

Heres what I do: I go into the waiting nouns after I check in. Then I do breathing exercises to calm myself down. Breathe surrounded by for 5 counts, hold it, breathe out. If that feels weird increase or lessen the count. Just focus on the breathing, it will calm you down. Do the same entry when you get in the stool for the shot, with your head turned away, and engender sure to tell the nurse not to tell you when she's just about to do it. When she pricks you, you'll feel it, look, and the needle will be out already!

Period from hell ! relief!?

ok. i own already had 2 of those shots. dont freak out its not to bad. the one and only thing thta bother me is that (it did for me , maybe not you) my arm hurts freshly for 1-2 days. it just felt resembling i bruised it. but it all depends on the girl. its just similar to geting any other shot, dont worry, the shot if fine for the both of us! hoped i helped girl, dont verbs!

I want to switch to a different birth control, should I?

two of my three daughters had it...the one is still too young. according to them, they right to be heard it wasn't that bad. it's just a sudden shot and then a band aid...no side affects for any. it is a series of three shots over a 6 month period. they had their shots and right rear legs to their daily routine. their ages (at the time) were 21 and 16. you'll be fine.

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Ever have a tetanus shot? Couldn't be worse than that. Just have it done in your butt cheek, so it doesn't hurt as bleak (More flab there). You should really get it to prevent the HPV virus and cervical cancer and not worry roughly speaking a poke from a shot.

How can I cause myself more sensitive?

you should not get this shot.it is something that the government come up with to make money.



Unfortunate situation, girls simply?

It protects you from the virus that cause cervical cancer. It is like any other shot you get within the arm. Stings a little. Much better to get the shot than cervical cancer.

Can you own phsyical annul from someone? resembling where on earth it hurts?

I've have two doses of it and each time it felt close to a normal shot. I can't really remember but my arm was sore for close to a few days. Don't worry. It's not that bad...

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