1 cigarette while pregnant?

I used to be a smoker. I quit about a month into my pregnancy, since I even knew I be pregnant, because I had strept throat and it be too painful to smoke. I haven't smoked since. I'm presently 17 weeks. I know a lot of women still smoke during pregnancy. I also know adjectives the risks of doing so. Anyway, I was curious as to how risky or fruitless or harmful it would be to enjoy ONE cigarette at this point. Would one cigarette still increase the possibility of low birth weight and etc etc.....?

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I'm sure I'll get hold of attacked for this answer, but to be honest with you one cigarette isn't anymore lethal than taking a Tylenol for a headache at this point in the pregnancy. Don't get me wrong. I'm NOT saw go ahead and hold a cigarette. I also would like to point out that I'm not a medical authority of any sort. I only have two kids of my own and I've academic a few things.

The entire pregnancy is a crucial development time, but the first trimester is especially prominent. Lots of things can go wrong at that time. For those who enjoy trouble with miscarriages, making it out of the first trimester is a BIG nouns. I know it was for me. Doesn't scrounging things can't go wrong latter though. I don't mean to panic you. I'm just recounting it like it is.

Yes, near are women who smoke, do drugs, and/or drink throughout the entire pregnancy. Sometimes their babies come out okay and other times their babies have issues. Everyone is different.

Having a cigarette right very soon doesn't necessarily mean your kid is coming out messed up. It will increase the chances that your kid may have issues, but not significantly. The most important concern here is ADDICTION. Will you go backbone to smoking? You know how it goes - one lead to another and then another, etc. Next article you know you're back smoking full-time.

I'm not here to reprimand you on your thoughts about have a cigarette. But you have to consider why you want a cigarette right very soon. Most likely the answer is stress and if this is the armour, find something else to destress with. Feel the necessitate for a cig? Try gum. Or reach for a cup of water, milk or liquid. (No alcohol.) Take up a hobby or something.

Remember this: everything you do affects your baby. This includes going for a stride in the park getting fresh nouns to taking medicine for ache and pains. It all add up.

Hope this helps.

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I know how hard it is to quit but please don't do it. Not even one. It's true some women smoke during pregnancy and claim that their babies come out okay but you never know... everyone's body is different and your babe has no choice if you smoke or not.

I'm not trying to win preachy on you, just know how sturdy it is to stop smoking and ONE cigarette will turn into ONE pack and then you'll really hold something to worry roughly.

Congratulations on your baby!

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Absolutely! One cigarette will lead to another..to another...etc. Interesting that you could stop because it be painful to your throat, but but the incentive to not harm your unborn kid is not quite as strong. You can do it , girl.

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No, but once you give within to the urge to smoke you will not be able to stop again. And anyway you are inhaling some pliable smoke here and there and to be precise enough risk already. Pl. control your urge for the sake of the toddler inside.

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It isnt obedient for you to smoke while pregnant........but i smoke while pregnant for all 3 of my kids and adjectives of them are very healthy
I of late wouldnt smoke to much if i were you..........but one cig isnt going to hurt you...........and your babe should be just fine to.

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that would be giving in. RESIST YOUR URGES! xp

sorry but you don't want it to organize to the 'just a further won't hurt' excuse.

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If you've already quit, next don't even have one. I enjoy 2 children, both of which I smoked while pregnant. Out of those 2 only one have a low birthweight and that was because of an catastrophe I was surrounded by and went into premature chore. The eldest was 8'11, 3 weeks belated and now at 16 years of age is still ordinary, healthy and my smoking didn't impair her in the most minuscule.

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Nah. Go ahead. Smoke as much as possible.

Freakin' idiot.

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as hard as it is, you really shouldnt. try your best and consult to your doctor if you really cant resist the urge and see what he thinks

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Yes raison d`??tre it can lead to another and another.Next piece u kno u doin it again.

Hey congratulations on the new babe!


why would you want to smoke ONE cigarette? if you have already quit later your best bet would be to NOT start up again, honestly, after that ONE cig you dont think you will want another? I smoked occasionally wihle I be pregnant and my kids were adjectives healthy, but I am one of the lucky ones, your better bad NOT taking your chances!

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I smoked with both kids more beside my first then my second my first be 7.10 and my second was 6.10
adjectives my friends smoked while pregnant and they have nourishing kids,my mom smoked while pregnant with me and I'm fine.If your ingestion healthy and getting lots of rest and not stressed out your little one will be fine!

Some doctors will tell you not to quit because the withdrawls you hold may affect your baby .

1 cigarette will not clear a difference I'm sure!

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The effect one cigarette would have on your babe-in-arms would be minimal. However, if that one cigarette is going to be a stepping stone to get you full-blown smoking again, it's a bleak idea. Once you are a full-time smoker while pregnant, your infant gets addicted to it to and it cause more stress on your baby to quit again than it would if you kept smoking. I know plenty of relations, myself included, who have smoked during pregnancy and none of their children be affected at adjectives. Don't listen to all the individuals who get illustrious and mighty with you more or less smoking and being pregnant. It's a stressful situation and who are they to arbiter?

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You might just as economically give the cigarette straight to your child and I am sure you wouldn't want to do that. Cigarette smoke is full of poisons.

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Isn't your baby worth not have that cigarette? Do you really think you'll stop after one?

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Well I smoked thru all my pregancies , at smallest a pack a day. All 3 kids big, rotund and healthy, and stayed full-bodied into adulthood. Im not aphorism anyone SHOULD smoke during pregnacy. There is much more info about the risks very soon than there where on earth back after. But ONE cigarette??? Nah wouldnt cause any problems I wouldnt assume.

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Some babies who are exposed to cigarettes during pregnancy own no effects, while others have like mad. You never know what could hapen. Plus, that one could turn into 2, then 3 etc. I would not even attempt it. You can do it! My mom quit when she found out she be pregnant, and made it smoke free until I was going on for 3 or 4. But then she smoked outside and still does.

What do u regard as?

im a Doctor and if u you have 1 smoke your tot is no longer alive sorry

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