Menstrual Migranes?

I get regular migranes as in good health, but does anyone else get migarnes during their time? On the first day I procure a massive migrane (severe pain, nausea, vomiting sometimes, photophobia, flaxen skin) to the point I'm almost in tears. The GYN is trying to find a track to relieve the pain. She put me on birth control pills, but they don't appear to help next to the migranes. Also my neurologist and I have also tried medication to stop the migrane at the first sign, but I can't always share when I'm going to have one, they didn't give the impression of being to work. My mother isn't quite geared up to put me on a daily prevantative medicaton. Has anyone found a method or medication that have helped?

Is at hand something wrong w/ me, I'm 8 days late and I'm not sexually stirring?

I used to have migraines. I don't remember if they come with my period or not. The pain meds be terribly expensive-even next to insurance and had not so nice side effects. I be going to an acupuncturist for my allergies, so I asked about the migraines. One treatment totally turned them past its sell-by date for 6 months. Another treatment stopped them for about 2 years. The final treatment was reasonably a while ago-years. When they do come back, they come put a bet on lightly so I hold time to get put a bet on for a 'tune up'. He also helped me next to period aching and pain from fibroids. (And my allergies :) )

Pain meds are great, but if near is another way to stop affliction from even starting, why not use it? The treatment was $55 and be combined with treatment for other things so be a very appropriate value. I be paying at least that for a month supply of niggle meds and was getting migraines several times a week. Acupuncture sure help me. If you do this, find one who is board certified and not just say he/she is an acupuncturist. They have to own training and know what they are doing.

My girlfriend is35,she has a tingling fear near her collar bone,she say it kinda burns somtimes.what is it

My girlfriend used to get migraines, more repeatedly with her time than other times.
My grandmother recommended the herb "feverfew", it comes in gelcaps from strength food stores and some larger drug stores.
My friend started taking it every day, and its be at least 5 years since she have had one.
It may not work for you. But it's mild, have no side effects, and if it works then it be worth trying.

How come my tamong?

this might sound really odd but have you have your eyes checked recently. when i be 14 i started getting migraines (with all the symptoms)and we go to the doctor and he couldn't find out why i was getting them so he suggested i be in motion to an eye doctor i found out i was slightly far-sighted and my eyes are sensitive to lights. powerfully when i started getting real unpromising ones it was when i be about to seize my period and i be uncomfortable so i would read to try to stir to sleep. now i hold reading glasses i wear when i read or i am gonna be within certain lights. and i other wear sunglasses when im gonna be outside even in winter and cloudy days.

Swimming next to period?

i hold been suffering from migraines for a long time ive be to every doctor known to man my insist on is first see a good chiropractor to see if you are feint up right (i know it has zilch to do with your period but it makes a diffrence) next talk to your doctor around maybe skipping your period for a few months at a time.i made myself sick worring about a headache when i know my period be doctor told me to take my pills skip the sugar pills and start a fresh pack before i even get a period. i do that for three or four months at a time afterwards i let my term come and take Imitrex when it get real desperate. imitrex is a great migraine medicine. i also found that a pills called confusion few is is a natural drug you take every time to prevent headaches. my migraines are mostly triggered by my term my diet and stress so eat right examine your soda intake and relax. i hope you can figure it out i know how you get the impression.

Girls only!!!!!!!!?

i suppose i may have a suggestion for you. i own been suffering from menstrual migrains for 30 years and i do know how bumpy the things can be.mine were so server that i terminated up inthe hospital quite a few times. over the years i hold tried a lot of things and i finally give up until i decided to conversion alot of things . here are a few suggestions magnesuim crystals that you can get at the form food store strt to take that . modification you eating conduct and eat alot of fruit and vegtables. i put away about 6 pieces of fruit a hours of daylight, but i usually put it in a blender and net a smoothy out of it 3 a day. i exercise 30 to 60 minutes a hours of daylight 7 days a week cut out cheese peanuts etc .all the food that result in headaches you should avoid sooner. i do a colon and liver detox once a year to clean out adjectives the bad stuff which be the best thing anyone could ever do. what folks don't realize is when you have a toxic colon headache will become worse. trust me try this one i went on the internet and ordered dr nature colonix and it made me feel so much better i only just get any headache anymore. i know it is expensive but i thought it was so worth it. alot of the other things out near never helped me i've tried so copious things as well as accupunture and so on in that really is not alot you can do. if your mom can afford this try thes things they works so well for me i am amaized well brought-up luck

Period and emotions?

I have trouble with migraines spinal column in lofty school...but I'm not sure if they be related to my menstrual cycle...actually I'm not even sure if they be migraines...I was really sick for a while and I don't deem the doctors really knew what be wrong with me. But I of late wanted to tip off you because I did go on a on a daily basis preventitive medicine, call Effexor XR, and it was horrible. Your mom is smart to be mindful of such things...if you do decide to travel on one, do your research first! And stay away from Effexor XR! It's an antidepressant but my doctor said it worked for migraines in teenagers...and it did help...but it's insanely, horribly addictive. It took me two years to wean myself bad of it, finally I quit cold turkey and just laid within bed and moaned for three weeks. After I'd already started it and tried to get rotten it, I did some research about it online, and discovered that it's one of the most addictive drugs in that is. Also, since it was an antidepressant, it made me suicidal for a while--it's also one of the worst antidepressants for cause suicidal urges, too! I really wish someone have warned me give or take a few it before I go on it, and I want to prevent other people from suffering similar to I did. Be careful and dutiful luck!

What's the best treatment for cellulite and body fats close to belly abdomen.?

For discouraging period cramps or migraines, I whip very strong pain-killers similar to 2 Ponstan capsules (Mefenamic Acid 250mg) or 1 Synflex tablet (Naproxen Sodium 275mg). They work for me. Ask your doctor nearly them.

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