Whats the hole point on having period?

the female stuff. what does it do?

Can a girl catch pregnant even if i have never gotten my spell at all?

The unharmed point of your period is that what you are discharging is the pool liner of your uterus. The lining refresh itself every month and if your egg isn't fertilized by a sperm, the lining discharges because in that is no embryo (baby) to nurish. The lining is what sustains the fertilized egg for more or less three months, it is full of vitamins and nutrients.

So I want to get on birth control.?

To show that your body is/will be prepared to have a tot.

People say pussyyy owes world ?is it true?

to hold babys.it is also a sign to say that you are growing up

I'm a few days unpunctually. Is it stress or pregnancy?

Well to put it simply, the menstral cycle allows you to have children. If you don't enjoy a period, you can't conceive a child.

I'm sure others will enjoy time to give you the longer copy, but I hope this helps.

Unsure whats wrong beside me :S?

the body gets it self prepared for a pregnacy. when that does not happen the facing sheds and there you jump...you get a term.

What is???

The WHOLE (not HOLE) point of having period is showing you that you're not pregnant. If you don't have a extent, you could very resourcefully be pregnant if you've been have sex.

Girl problemsCan you help me?

obioususly ur too youthful to no ask your mom

I really need your support!?

I DONT KNOW ! i was asking my self equal thing! i think
To manufacture us hurt! boys don't have them! they enjoy hair thats it! we hold the whole shebang! we can even turn into guys! worrisome... well ok the point is the woman created the first sin and he's getting support at us and giving the boys a break.

I am scared to demise someone please help!!?

it make u bleed

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It adjectives has to do next to a woman's reproductive cycle. Each month your body builds up the lining of the uterus next to blood and tissue to protect any unborn child while it develops to birth if/when you become pregnant. If you do not have a fertilized egg, (get pregnant) the build up of tissue is surplus, and the body starts shedding it, and therefore you hold a period. It is middle-of-the-road to have period, and it is a very special, wonderful point that the body prepares ahead of time to protect the unborn child. Women frequently hate their period, but in some cultures, it is a sacrosanct thing, especially since it is one and only the woman who can give vivacity through birth, and men need us to accept and give them children to sustain the bloodline.

Help me please!?

to enjoy kids

Why do i dream more during pms?

To be able to own kids and knowing that u are healthy and way u are a grown up

I havent had my time of year yet but one of my friends did and they are pregnant when u dont win your period that ability u probably are pregnant and having sex...if u arent have sex and your period stops for a while u should step see a doctor!

HELP[boobs issue]?

Your body produces eggs for fertilization, if they are not fertilized, your period excretes them...It's a inherent body function.

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The uterus fill with blood to prepare it to grow a tot. And when the egg is not fertilized, the blood has to be shed (it doesn't end forever ya know) And the cycle starts all over again.

Why we enjoy all the cramps is the contracts of the uterus pushing the blood out. When you do become pregnant, Labor is alot approaching have a cramps, but MUCH more tender.

The moodiness come from the hormones that have told the womb "times up, bring that old stuff outta here, gottta brand name room for more!!"

And everything else, it differs from woman to woman. Don't worry, they stop when you hit in the region of 60..Just another joy of man a woman i guess..

Good luck

Period question?girls single?

its your body getting ready to do its inherent thing, reproduce, so it get itself ready to own a baby every month. capably most young girls dont enjoy sex so the egg doesnt get fertalized so it doesnt turn into a little one, and you just bleed the egg and adjectives the blood stored to protect the baby, out.

Bladder problems?

The adjectives period process is the module that leads to next ovulating(after u have ur extent u ovulate).so if u dont get ur term then u dont ovulate and u cant achieve pregnnt

Alot of girls who have irregular period end up have fertility problem(probably not able to catch pregnant or have trouble getting pregnant)....

Okay Heres the menstruation cycle entity...(not completely accurate)

You produce an egg in ur fallopian tubes or an they say-so now ur uterin tubes...next that egg satys there for some days n later it moves down to the uterus....u have some type of inside layer in ur uterus..that pool liner starts to break and then completely breaks sour within a term of (1-7 days) thats ur pperiod...then after that u fire up the whole ovulation entity again...

After u have sex next to someone there sperm can stay contained by ur uterus for u to 5 days or more depending on the amount of acid u hold up there...That system that even if ur not ovulating yet u can still draw from pregnant because the sperm might still be ther once u start ovulating...O n u ovulate 4 14 days or sumthin..i cant really remember all the details .....

Very painful extent,unusual light colour too.?

To hold babys

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