When did you draw from your spell?

what is your story about it?..sorry its interesting to see adjectives the things people travel through.

Answers:    i got mine ending month and im 14
i didn't get cramps and i don't hold them now!
it be pink the first time and then the subsequent morning it was red and alot and alot of red next it was brown and stickt next it was gone! it with the sole purpose lasted three days and i singular ever felt a moment or two neasous and not at all hungry.
13 yrs frail (this year) I'm still waiting on mine, I have a moral feeling give or take a few this July though,. fingers crossed
when i was 11.
it happen when i was at a class feild trip at the zoo haha. i be 12 (16 now) I didn't even feel it, it started while I be cleaning my room!
i was thirteen. my mom be nine. can you imagine the things you don't want to enjoy at nine? that is definately it.. a month after my thirteenth b-day. found out at university.
like 12 within a half babe-in-arms! 6th grade. It be OK because I had a few weeks past its sell-by date of school so I wasn't feeling guilty at school.
ok, so, i be TEN!!
in fifth title. it totally sucked cuz nobody i know got theirs ubtil this year!!
PS, im within 8th grade..
I get mine when I was 13. On my channel to a family reunion. I be on a plane when it happened.
I be mortified, and my brother was 18 at the time, and he be the only one I could detail so I told him about it, and he be sweet about it, and once we get off the plane he go and got me some pad.
I hate my interval. But I love my brother. =]
It was my 12th Birthday and i be at school..Happy birthday to me right
who ever the troll is specifically going around giving thumbs down..Your dumb..This is what happen to women within there life span has nil to do with thumbs down or up acquire a life November 25, 2007.
13 years older.
Almost every time I end a sentence, I use a time of year!! when i was 12 i come home from track practice and went to purloin a shower and i was close to omg mom! help me
When i be fourteen, im 15 now. its lame. a few days past 5th grade started so i believe 10 years outdated? yeah sucked to be me first out of like everyone i know.
haven't got mine even so. the rest of the girls in my home have their time so i always see tampons every where on earth. i'm not scared. lolzzzzzzzz i didnt win mine yet but i hope i dont go and get it in conservatory you know when im not prepared
when i was 11! i basically got mine finishing month & i am 14! i was sooo lucky cuz the sunshine i got it, we have a snow day from conservatory!! i thought it was approaching a message from god haha!! if i had be in college, i would have be sooo embarrassed. but i still havent told anyone (not even my mom) i probably should but i abhorrence talking going on for stuff like that.
hope u like my story :]
When I was 15 1/2 years aged.. all my friends already have it. (and my younger sister by 3 years got it a month previously me)

Actually I was supposed to be in motion get some class of blood work done to see why I hadnt gotten it yet, but the daylight before that I get it! I found that a little abnormal, but at least I didnt hold to get blood work done :)
i be 9 years old.. when i get my period..
i used to reason pads be cool..because my mom used to always use them..she never used tampons..

soon i went to the bathroom thinking i'd newly peed in my pant from laughing so hard after i hear my mom tell a ploy..i went to the bathroom and found blood contained by my girly undies..and so i freaked out and screamed for my mom, she come into the bathroom and said..WELL CONGRATULATIONS ITS WOMANS DAY.. she took the day rotten of work and we did something special together, cute huh?

looking back and dealing near pms now, its nought sensational , i dunno why some girls come on here and freak out and say MY FRIEND GOT HER PERIOD ALREADY WHEN IS IT MY TURN..its nil great..its headaches, stomach cramps and girls one moody..

My aunt was lucky, she didnt carry hers until she turned 17. UGH.

I suppose its one thing that we women own to deal near so child birth is possible.. ugh.. good lord.
I started mine when i be 11 (now 18).
I got mines while i be asleep it was a delicate day cuz i woke up rash and my mom had already gone to work when i got up i feel sawthat the blankets were stained and my clothes be to so i had to steal a shower. When i got to conservatory i was adjectives excited and tellling all my friends i have gotten my period everyone be excited and asking me questions because i be the first one of all of my friends that have gotten my period i get mine november 28 this year, the day after my 13th birthday. it be pretty weird. but it be all cool wreak i told my best friend who was surrounded by the class with me and she have started her period the daytime after [i think, or perchance it was indistinguishable day], but she had already be getting periods.
I get mine when I was 13 (26 now). I hold suffered with vile period cramping since I first get my period module due to ovarian cysts and I was diagnosed next to endometriosis late final year which my gyno says could hold been the basis for all those fearful cramps and pain adjectives those years even back consequently. still waiting on mine
i got mine 2day!! yay! omg, im soo thankful. i cant believe it!!

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