I fell down kinda hard this morning. And in the afternoon, i started bleeding.?
you should ring up a tangible doctor or doctor's organization and discuss to a nurse right away, and not thieve proposal on something so serious from YouQA
It's possible. How unsuccessfully are you bleeding? You may enjoy basically mildly bruised yourself. If it doesn't run away surrounded by the subsequent sunshine or two, aim medical back without beating about the bush.
It's happen to me in the past. I didn't bleed like mad and it solitary last a sunshine. I be fine afterwards.
For elder women lone. How did you know you reach menopause?
You have need of to dance to the hospital. you may enjoy a serious injury.Don't skulk!
Seek medical direction if the bleeding does not stop.
bleeding of any concerned is startling, please win checked out
What is the difference between prenatal vitimans and women's one a daytime vitimans?
it depends on what section of your body hit something i doubt its internal bleeding motivation you would perceive really really fruitless and sick if it be but near the information given its kinda strong to right to be heard but if it continues the subsequent year i would telephone the robustness center in recent times to be undamagingDo women who live contained by matching house obtain near interval around indistinguishable time?
Lia, instead of asking nation within here,you should be going to the Dr. to catch it checked out. Regardless of what it is,it is irregular and should be checked out. Good Luck. i will pray for you.Go to the hospital!
You could be surrounded by trouble.
There is like mad of info you disappeared out, age, if you enjoy sex and could be pregnant, how you fell...
You requirement to find checked out...
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