I be on Ortholow I started it on 4/29 and took it for a week then have a period 5/7 and havent have one since?

Should I consider my period within may my regular one?

My vagina itches and burns?

When you first start birth control, it can take a few months to acquire your periods pay for on track.

When you started on 4/29, you were probably almost due for your extent, and you hadn't been on the pill long plenty to suppress it.

You will most likely get hold of your period during the week that you bear the "inactive" pills in your pack. Most women start by the end of that week. But, some women skip period on the pill-- so you may not get one this month.

If you enjoy more questions, or are worried because you missed some pills, please bid your doctor.

The medicine and robustness information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

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