What is cronic obstructive pulmonary desease and emphasema?

I wirte this letter to be read by adjectives. It causes me great despair to see someone in my kith and kin dealing with this desease. I go to see her today in a retirement home. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION she is dieing from smoking.. her chest heave to breath, she is grey, her lungs work at 10% capacity! SHE HAS NO LUNGS! she is dieing and smoking kill her! she is in anguish from her heart and lungs! I begs for disappearance! PLEASE STOP SMOKING...I BEG YOU ALL! email me if you want to know more or have questions...jon_mck69@hotmail.... :(

How much to pregnany tests usually cost? read aloud at shoppers drug mart? in canada?

they are equal disease.

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