Egg Donation?

I saw an add surrounded by the local newspaper roughly speaking female egg donation. I be just curious roughly speaking it. is it painful? It say they pay $3000 and i could really use that money. I basically wanted to know if theres any side effects, close to not being competent to have kids latter? And how do they do it? Thanks

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I've never done it but I'm thinking about it as economically. Its a very long-drawn-out process. First they have to adopt you as a viable donor. They screen you for adjectives kinds of diseases and a pap smear if you haven't have a recent one is mandatory. If you get former the pre screening, they have you discern out questionaires about yourself and you put up with a mental health evaluation. The questionaires are to provide information around you to potential recipients and the mental robustness examination is to net sure that you are emotionally strong enough to complete the entire process. If you're permitted and someone selects you as a donor after they begin the actual donation process. You're given several series of hormones to release more eggs when you ovulate. These hormones are self injected. At the completion of these hormone treatments you return to the fertililty clinic and a small sugical procedure is perform to harvest the eggs. You typically can donate after the surgery and resume normal activiities as soon as the anesthesia wear off. Egg donation is usually undamaging and does not harm the donors probability of having children surrounded by the future. In singular cases people develop infections that could spoil reproductive capabilities but this occur in smaller number than 3% of all donors and adjectives kinds of precautions are taken to ensure that this doesn't come about.
I hope that this provided you with some more information to give support to you make your finding. For more information research the topic on the web and/or call upon or email the local fertility clinic, these people are more than ecstatic to answer any questions that you may hold.

A simple Q that needs answers?

My guess would be that you enjoy to take medication to stimulate the release of multiple eggs...similar to some fertility medication. I'm not sure if harvesting the eggs is a bumpy procedure. Again, my guess would be that it would have to be humiliated. It won't affect future fertility any, and if you are interested, next go for it. My problem would be knowing that nearby would be children out there related to me biologically, but that's not an issue for everyone.

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I don't think it would affect your karma of having children surrounded by the future but i know that you must embezzle drugs to stimulate the release of eggs. So you become super fertile. Just don't be having sex during that time.

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Basically in a nut shell they put you on fertility pills, cause you to over ovulate. Somewhere around 4-6 months later (I've hear of shorter time frames too) they cut a small incision into your abdomen to collect the eggs. Don't worry they dont embezzle them all. But they do enjoy age regulations.

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