What are the methods to stop hair falling?i obligation herbal tips to solve this...?


Helppppp me?

I assume you are referring to your hair falling OUT. If i.e. the case, the "fix" would depend on the wreak. If you are experiencing male-pattern-baldness, there are several topical solutions that can oblige stop hair loss and possibly regrow it. On the other appendage, other medical conditions can cause hackle loss (thyroid disorders, etc.) but the conditions must first be diagnosed and treated before you will experience nouns from hair loss.

Please see your physician to determine what is cause your hair loss, and do NOT try to self-diagnose yourself because you can cause yourself more injure.

The medicine and vigour information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical proposal or treatment for any medical conditions.

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