How long after getting a period does a woman bring her next time?

like how does the cycle work?

Menstrual period put somebody through the mill!?

any where from 21 days to 40 days, everyone's different.

first the pituitary gland tell one of the ovaries to have one of the eggs to fully developed, then once it's ripe, it falls bad and travel down the fallopian tube and head down to the uterus. As the egg is moving down to the uterus, the uterus wall thicken and prepare to receive the egg in overnight case the egg is fertilized. if the egg is fertilized, the brain tells the uterus not to bring rid off the egg and consent to it stay; otherwise, it get rid rotten it and the lining build up and hence the spell.

this process repeats every month and the egg takes turns from respectively ovary, some women release multiple eggs each month instead of one

Periods, Pads ,And Swimming?

28 days approximate

Little stuff?


22 years frail can i start using tampons?

28 days later from the year you start. (That is so not fair! LOL!)

This is with the sole purpose approximate, everyone is different. You could be 30 days or 25 days, whatever.

Getting my stomach rear legs after having a baby8 years ago!?

21 to 28 days--it vary from one girl/woman to the next.

Is it everyday for my boobs to hurt after being sucked?

usually it last about 28 days (same as the moon.) It vary woman to woman though. Mine lasts around thirty days.

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