Periods, Pads ,And Swimming?

When u have your length and your going swimming do pads work? i disallow to use tampons and my mom wont let me so i have need of to kno is there anyway to kind it go away faster or take home there smaller number blood ive had my interval for 6days already and i have a pool f??te tomarrow and i need 2 kno if pad work

What is this stuff that is surrounded by a girls vagina? felt similar to lots of small pieces of paper.?

If you want to, you could to be sure use a pad. However, it will swell up close to a diaper as soon as it touches the water and will not be intensely comfortable.

I was freshly wondering (Girls Only)?

go behind ur moms vertebrae and shove a tampon up there... a wad wont work for shyt and ull just look close to an idiot uf u use one... on the other hand tampons.. u cant even narrate.. trust

After sex question?

why is your picture of a guy?

and no, pad will just occupy all the sea.

Do girls get cramps when their time of year strarts or before that and hwo does it feell when your breasts are soar?

why is ur picture a guy?

The pill ?

sorry to speak but no.. pads in recent times soak up water and they will leak off surrounded by the pool which would be very embaressing! if your mom dosent agree to you use tampons for some reason.. be honest near and and print out some info on them tell her they are nontoxic and that teens your age use them! :) good luck.. if u do try them and she let u then use tampax pearl they are great 4 biginners

Whats the best course of contraception?

no you can't wear pad when you go swimming, the wad with engage watter and my you look really weird down in attendance and people would awareness it, since you've been on it for 6 days tomorrow could be really wispy anyway it all really a moment ago depends on your cycle. i hope this helped. pious luck!

Whatsup with my interval?

okay i know what your going thro.

just finishing weekend i had my time of year and i went to a pool gala
i wore a pad and it in recent times absorbed adjectives the water and get like a diaper but i took it sour and then i didnt bleed when i be in the river i just run to the bathroom everytime i got out of the pool

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