Why do girls have period and guys don't ?


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O Kaay....

I'm 13 yrs. old and i be wondering is it ok to think around sex or dream about it at my age?!!??

Because guys don't hold eggs, ovaries, fallopian tubes or a uterus.

I really wants to know?

because they don't own a female sexual organ.and god didn't label it that way. moonraven

The detrimental effects of laxatives?

how old r u??? oh we'll i will answer this anyways..(sigh) Boys don't own ovaries and which means they don't hold any eggs..... A period is when an egg hasn't benn used!

How long should I continue after my period to enjoy sex?

Hi. I don't know if this is ture or not. But I'm 17 and my mother is very religious. I asked her this sound out about 2 two days past thanksgiving back contained by november. And she told me that back surrounded by the olden times when it was only Adam and Eve and when eve bit into the forbidden fruit, God placed a curse on her and that all females will be cursed beside what she'd have.

It's something close to that. I wasn't really listening to her. But resembling I said, I don't know if it's true or not. And then my elder sister told me that it's just elderly blood that your body doesn't need anymore.

From personal judgment, what is your favorite brand of birth control that is available within generic form?

it was a cruel prank played on us.

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