Is ovulation odd in a 13 year outmoded?

my 13 year old daughter have been have random uncontroable shaking at hours of darkness after her period ends in the region of 3 or 4 days after and sometimes not all the time have cramping in her lower stomach. if this is ovulation is this uncommon for her at 13 years of age?

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Ovulation and menstruation at 13 yr antiquated is very regular. The other stuff you describe is not. The uncontrollable shaking does to correlate next to ovulation (occurs 14days after the 1 day of menstruation) so I am at a loss to understand what is the explanation. She should see an internist. I am not convinced it has anything to do beside her cycle.

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no, it is not. there are several manifestation during female hormonal change.


Not really. With all the steroids they are feeding our cattle, and chickens in a minute its not uncommon for girls as infantile as 8 to start menstruating. But you should take her to take checked out by a doctor just to be undisruptive.

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Absolutely not. Girls are beginning to ovulate at before ages these days. Some childish girls even begin to ovulate when they are 9. It sounds ridiculous but it is true. I've read stories of 12 year matured girls becoming pregnant after sexual activity.

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