
im almost 16 (b-day in july)
and i havent started my period on the other hand.
your gonna think im crazy for asking but is in that anything i can do to make myself start?
someone told me that orgasms would bring my time of year faster.
is that true?
anything else you know of?
and please dont tell me that im lucky i havent started or anything approaching that because trust me i've heard it a million times!
i really want to start!
please give support to!

Stretch marks?

Ok, first of adjectives, it's absolutely ok not to hold started your period at 16, unlike the first personality said. It depends on genetics, and if your mother started her time of year in her in arrears teens, then it's without fault healthy for you.

You should ask your doctor because it may hold to do with several issues:
1. If you be born with a perforate hymen, then the hymen covers your vaginal first showing so completely that it does not allow blood to come through
2. If your bone structure is several years behind the norm, your body of late hasn't developed enough for your interval to start. You can figure this out by getting a simple mitt x-ray to check your bone development. This happen to my friend, so she's expected to get her length at 18.
3. Some far more complicated problem having to do beside infertility
4. You're just a in arrears bloomer!

The only agency to start your period near outside help is to hold the doctor surgically open your hymen if it really IS the hymen that's cause the problem. Oh, and by the way, don't try to do anything yourself because you don't hold any control over it. Orgasms won't affect it at all. Otherwise, you'll merely have to dally.

I know how annoying it can be. I started my period at 14, and i remember consciousness uncomfortable at age 11-13 when adjectives the other girls were chitchat about their period sometimes. But if you focus on other things and be patient, it'll be alright :)

What could incentive a missed period besides pregnancy?

no your not lucky. you should see your doctor 16 is not a perfect age to not have your extent.

Can anyone explain to me why I feel upright the day I start my length Every other day of the month I am exhausted

it's better if it comes readily. If your really concerned, find out the safe mode and ask a doctor! thats the best advice I hold for you.

I have a put somebody through the mill for woman that have gone through pregnancy?

dont verbs i know how u feel i didnt acquire mine till i was almost 15 but when u win 16 and u dont have it i chew over u should c a doctor. if u have adjectives the signs of it and what not it will come in time. also however prehistoric your mom was when she get it isnt always a right indicator or at least it wasnt for me. i decision u the best of luck.

Ok, i know this is kinda gross?

If you're athletic, you're period will come a bit later.

Genetics also play a part of a set in this. Ask your mom, Aunt, grandmother, etc when they get theirs.

Going to the doctor isn't a bad thought either.

I be diagnosed with endometrios 12 months ago and i would love to yak to anyone who has alike condition?

That is a little unpunctually, and they will start when your body is ready.
Then you should be blissful to know that you will have period for about 40 years. That should produce your day.

Until your uterus is all set, I do not think you can trademark menses start.

Please be patient. Fake it. Pretend you hold if that will make you surface better.

Is this unhealthy for your breasts?

i purely recently get my period (15) and i be under 100 lbs adjectives my life. but once i get to above 100lbs i got my length.try and gain some wait not alot but more later the weight you have been most your teen yrs so far

Question for womenbleeding during sex, discharge?

You clearly want to check with your doctor, it's not thriving for you to not have started by in a minute. There's nothing you can do one-sidedly to force yourself to start, but your doctor can help. You may hold something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) which vehicle you have a hormone disparity and one of the symptoms is lack of period. So you definitely want to check with your doctor so he can put you on birth control to facilitate jumpstart your periods.

Morning After Pill?

If you haven't started your interval by your 16th birthday ask your mother to take you to the doctor. There are different stages to puberty, which you can differentiate if you enjoy a medical book or a book on growing up and developing for girls. Based on the stage of growth you are in you can tell approximately when you should start menstruation. It have to do with nouns and having an orgasm isn't going to adjust what stage your are in.

However, unambiguously this is bothering you and you should definately consult with a medical professional after the age of 16. Most girls start by consequently but not all.

You do not indicate whether or not you enjoy an eating disorder. There wishes to be a proper body fat % to menstruate. If you are anorexic or bulimic this could affect menstruation.

What can an untreated yeast infection result in?

Well, I get mine when I was 12, and I still abhor it now. I regret wanting it. Getting it deferred is not a problem, but at your age, it's still normal. Maybe you hit puberty unpaid or if you lost a lot of counterbalance lately, it may have conficted near you starting your period unsettled. My cousin started her's at 17, and she is perfectly fine. I recommend, if you are still thoroughly concerned, go see a doctor. Also ask your mom when she get her's or your grandmother, starting late may also own to do with inheritance. My mom got hers when she be 13 I got mine when I be 12. I think you'll be fine (although, when you bring back it, you may have it more recurrently when your flow gets more ordinary because you would have gotten it after that than other girls). Trust me, you'll be fine... Good luck!

Is this a sign?

you cant force it to come. it just come from puberty. usualyl when you hit puberty you will start to go and get it. but its natural for women to not hold there spell untill they are in impulsive 20`s. but if you are determined to get it shift to a Gynocologist and ask for the pill. that might help. but seriously have your period sucks SOOOOOOOOOOOO doomed to failure!! like you may want it immediately but when you get it your going to be close to NOOOOO

Mentrual blood is orange-red?

girlll u would not want your period to start
i be in alike position like u when i be didnt start..until feb 2006..and my mom was wise saying that your body grows until your basicaly your period is imagined to start anytime now...or subsequent year maybe..but dont verbs.. IM SERIOUS!!chill abt it
i was contained by the same ditto position...if it dosents start by mid 17 next u can visit a doc...
do not lug a weird pill to product it start--u dont know what adverse affect it may have on your body...u may seize ur period soon and the pill might ruin the in one piece thing up

be lenient and dont rush to do such silly 16 right now and its just been a year 4 friends have it when they were within 6th grade so for that time individual it was pretty emabarrasing that i didnt get it yet

b satisfied the way u are!!

Bleeding after sex?

wow u are in actual fact wishing for it to start.. trust me if you ever capture it, u gonna wish u never get it.. i remember i was 11, and i would other tell my mom, when am i ever gonna draw from my period.. i would articulate i want to know how it feels, and i would enlighten my older sister i choice i had it.. consequently i remember it was febuary that i get it.. but really it sucks having it.. u discern like crap when you enjoy it, and the cramps kill you, if you enjoy them like i do.. (ask you mom when she get it,, around what age.. maybe its in recent times you genetics of somthing..)

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