Whats an orgasem.??

jus curious


How do you make masturbating quality its best?

If you have to ask you are too babyish to find out from strangers. Talk to your mother about this one.

First time hot flashes and delayed period..perimenopausal symptoms..conventional.?

Look it up on google or wikipedia you will get a more solid answer then what you might catch on here.

It's basically a release of pleasure and endorphins that you seize from stimulation of the sex organs. But like I said check it out on the net, you will find some better information about it.

Oh and it's in truth "orgasm" just so you know when you hunt. Best of luck!

Ladies only? Help Please? What should I do?

if you hold to ask a group of random strangers your to childlike to know ask your parents

What does the doc do to you when you go to catch birth control for the first time?

an orgasm is sexual release..... and orgasms are pretty terrific things.. but if you are too young for sex...afterwards it won't feel upright for a while... you should wait til you are elder.... i wa 16 when i lost my virginity and it was a couple of years since sex was in actuality fun and worthwhile....


Let see how brave you are
Ask your dad !
Orgasm > > fyi
Now look it up in the dictionary

Ectopic Pregnancy?

arousal or the greatest victory of sex i mean the blossoming one....

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