From the last few days I am noticing that I have a little bleeding whenever I have my bowel movement.?

Especially when I eat spicy food at the dark, the next morning it happen. its not always but within 5, 6 days. there is no misery or anything. no stomach pain or anything. I don't know is this middle-of-the-road.. besides I am almost 4 months pregnant. is this the sign of ulcer?

I really involve 2 know?

Dear Friend, you may have developed some hemorrhoids. Many pregnant women do develop this. Be also aware that you may hold a very sensitive stomach and best for you to stop ingestion spicy foods. You may have an irritable bowel syndrome as capably. Anyway, if the blood is red, most likely exact is a tear contained by the anal area or internal hemorrhoids.

If you are bleeding internally, your stool would be black (or tarry). Just consent to your OB doctor check your area for your own peace of mind. Normally this is not the sign of an spot. You can use hemorrhoidal cream to reduce the hemorrhoid. Also you can use wipe that contain witch hazel. (Most wipes do contain this). Our bodies do strange things when we are pregnant.

PS. Please record that I do accept email because I want populace to know I can be trusted.

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Normal..The stool perchance to acidic cause a little burning of the inside layer, or you could possible have internal hemorrhoids that are getting irritated (normal for a pregnant woman). You could also be cause tiny rips that are causing the bleeding. Once again adjectives this is normal. However, if you see bright red blood and it's adequate to see in the dampen, call your doctor and brand name them aware of the situation. But at this point I would not worry roughly it.

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well if it seriouly permit me know i t hought that was lately normal

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