My girl has an unsymmetric vagina !! whats that? and she other bleeds during sex? y??


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Bleeding during sex may have it in mind cervical cancer and cervical cancer is due to multiple sex partner, anyway to give you more insight in the region of the bleeding, below is the item I got from wikipedia .

Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cervix. Worldwide, it is the second-most adjectives cancer of women. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be away from home until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which have made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts utilizing the Pap smear. Most irrefutable studies have found that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is responsible for virtually all cases of cervical cancer[1][2]. According to a survey of 3,076 women 18 to 75 years of age, awareness in the region of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and its link to cervical cancer is relatively low among American women. In 2006 an estimated 10,000 women contained by the United States will be diagnosed with this type of cancer and nearly 4,000 will die from it.[3] More afterwards 60 types of HPVs are acknowledged to exist (depending on the reference, some sources indicate more afterwards 200 subtypes) [4].[5]. Of these, fifteen HPV types are classified as high-risk types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, and 82), 3 are classified as probable high-risk types (26, 53, and 66); and 12 are classified as low-risk types (6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81, and CP6108).[6]. .[7] Types 16 and 18 are generally acknowledged to impose about 70% of the cancer. There are “low-risk” viruses which do not commonly turn into cancer and “high-risk” virus that are most likely to develop into cervical cancer, although both can. Having several sexual partner is a major risk factor for developing HPV. Although most HPV infections clear up on their own, the infections could increase to leading abnormalities or cervical cancer.[8] Doctors can tryout samples of cervical cell to determine types of HPV that may be present. In some cases, HPV clears up on its own, and in some, there be no signs until it was too deferred, and cervical cancer developed.

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Bleeding during sex could be many things. And, that word, I never hear it before.

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very few people are truly symetrical contained by any way, thats not an issue, but bleeding, she any has an infection or you are ram her too hard and tear her inner flesh, take her to a doctor.

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Try allowing her to be on top and to control depth, speed, and rate of entrance. Also, try using a LOT of lubrication, sex should be messy and fun.

That is, if she is willing to be messy and fun. Does she complain that it hurts?

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your best bet is to take her to a gynecologist. this dr will put a range up into her, and explain it to you so you can see her, and understand her insides better.

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asymmetric. Your body is not symmetrical. As for bleeding, try using a lubricant or having her walk to her obgyn.

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Bleeding during and after sex is serious and she should see a doctor very especially soon!

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no one is symmetric down here especially after being sexually moving the shape of the vagina changes so it can accommodate the penis

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I really hope for your sake that your girl is not reading this sound out. Way to personal, and how would you feel "My man have a tiny dick! What's up with that? He's also a one facts why?

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