Cloudy urine, and dull pain............?

Over the last few weeks, when I urinate it is brand of painful. I assumed that it be a UTI.....HOWEVER the home remedies that normally work did not. I tried cranberry liquid, TONS of water....and the symptoms would subside for a bit, but never fully turn away. Another thing that be slighlty different from past UTIs, is
1. I get them when I was pregnant (but am not now)
2. There is NO BURNING, it is more similar to a SHARP pain and tend to be on the left
3. My urine I just notice was CLOUDY...I stingy it literally looked smoky
I have a doctors apt on Thursday....but be wondering if anyone has any accepted wisdom as to what could be the cause?

I don't know if this help....but I have have my heart more recently (skip beat or flutter) more often than usual, and I hold been getting bone stomach-ache...if that makes sense....could this adjectives be related....I figured the "bone pain" be related to the weather.........

Quick XXX Question Must be +18?

As a healthcare provider I would say you own a urinary tract infection which requires antibiotics to resolve. The heart palpatations are not related in my opinion. Generalized 'outlook bad' can also conduct a UTI. The only item I am concerned about is that you may hold waited a bit too long to want medical help and a resulting kidney infection could be developing (pylonephritis) which is much more serious than a UTI. Getting medical attention is what you stipulation to do. Drink plenty of fluids. Addionally, being pregnant is not a requirement for a UTI.....alot of women acquire them. If you spike a fever or acquire pain contained by your 'flank' areas....go to the ER.

I am 10 days delayed from my time of year. i took my pills already to prevent pregnancy, will it help?

This could still be a UTI, the dr will check your urine to see if it is.


probably some other infection and not a uti, although when I have a uti cranberry juice and lots of hose did not help and the doctor have to prescribe antibiotics for me strong enough to see it out of your system. I was pregnant at the time, but did not affect anything.

Wat's the surgical procedure that can spawn u stop getting ur period?

could be a yeast infection in your bladder.

Graphic put somebody through the mill about a physical exam. (Be warned) Help please?

sounds similar to a kidney infection ur doctor will let u know for sure

Please helping w/ a burning sensation.?

You may own a kidney stone or a bladder/ kidney infection. The doctor will be able to oblige determine that with a urinalysis. If you are drinking profoundly of cola, that can cause the cloudy urine, and the heart flutter (caffeine). Hope you're Ok!! Best Wishes!!

Hi, a short time ago wondering if girls can pee standing up?

you could have an infection in one of your kidneys
your heart is skipping as you are anxious roughly speaking your problem
arthritis makes bones sting during yucky weather

Has anybody tried any of the herbal breast enhancement pills? If so do they work and which one best?

I really don't know how to unflappable your nerves, you probably want some answers today, so you can rest easier till Thursday. The best thing you can do is of late try and put it out of your mind till you get to the doctor. Take some IB Profin for the throbbing or whatever throbbing medication you prefer to use. I used to take Cystex for UTI, that one worked best for me, it may relief to relieve your symptoms. The doctor is the best place to get your answer, those symptoms could be an array of things to serious or not serious at adjectives. Good luck at the doctors. Take care, and I hope you get the impression better:)

Period dates?

go to the dr!

Puffy nipples?

It sounds approaching a UTI or maybe a vaginal infection.

Facial hackle on women?

u know i had similar symptoms in the past and my mom told me to drink alot of water. and i did and it worked

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