Am I going through PMS?
Here are some things I have be going through:
Bloated abdomen
Feeling disheartening for no apparent reason
Fast heartbeat
Feeling hungry
Feeling irritable or stressed
Feeling tired
Feeling anxious
Joint pain
Mood swings
Tender and swollen breasts
Trouble concentrating
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Wow, that's a textbook description for PMS! You are elderly enough to own the period (I get it for the first time before I be 11 years old) so it may be around the corner. I would talk to your mom and agenda a visit to the gynecologist, to start monitoring your form. As obnoxious as gynecologist visits are, they reclaim lives and they are imprescindible to for your health, if your PMS symptoms are bleak, he/she can give you something to facilitate you.
yes period any daylight now,
It's not PMS if you haven't started your spell, love.
You're going through PUBERTY and you're growing up.
You should start your period soon..
Time to buy some sanitary towels!!
I get two questions that i'm concerned in the order of?
THATS WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE...GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.sounds like puberty to me. you could be i have no warning when i get mine at age 14
umm it could be pms. if it is your period will coming soooooon. close to within a week. but it might a moment ago be puberty. good luck any way!! xx
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