Can thyroid disease affect your term?

I have thyroid disease but on test of late it say its working fine and i haven't taken the medicine for a while and thinking in the region of it when i stopped taking my thyroid medicine i stopped have periods and i am not have sexual relations with anyone so can the thyroid be affecting my length or is it something else?

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There are rather common problems cause by thyroid dysfunction such as anovulation (no ovulation, or release of an egg) and menstrual irregularities.

Thyroid dysfunction can halt ovulation by upsetting the balance of the body’s instinctive reproductive hormones. One way to speak about if you’re ovulating is to test the even of a pituitary hormone called LH (or luteinizing hormone) by using an ovulation predictor utensils. LH stimulates the ovaries to release an egg. The kit will show you if you hold that surge in LH that indicates ovulation. I

There can also be an increase in prolactin which may be cause by an elevation of a hormone from the hypothalamus called TRH (or thyrotropin releasing hormone) that stimulates the pituitary gland to dispatch out both prolactin and TSH, we can cause irregularities.

Some women beside hypothyroidism also have polycystic ovaries, or cysts on the ovaries, which creel ovulation and can cause irregular menses.

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ive heard it does but not sure.

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Some hormonal imbalance can cause amenorrhea, famine of menstruation. So, see your doctor.

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When you transport any kind of medication, it can affect your interval (missed periods, etc.). If you are taking the medication properly as precised by your doctor, I wouldn't verbs about missing a time of year or two. They will come back, trust me.

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your thyroid medication can and will effect your period. If you miss more than 2 or 3 periods, I would surely progress see a doctor. I have a friend on thyroid meds and she have to get a birth control shot because she couldn't stop bleeding! Good luck!

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my sister has thyroid disease too, everytime she visit the doctor, she is asked about her extent. so I guess....... thyroid have something to do near the period.. resembling..... some lack of hormones...... or something... im not sure.

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It could be your thyroid keeping you from starting your period, you should not stop thyroid meds. Normally once your on them your on them forever,and it could be treacherous to stop, you could get a goiter, be chronically tired, miss period, etc. You should speak to your doctor and have your TSH, T3, and T4 level checked.

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