The other year my friend lent me one of her wood bracelets...and I dropped it and a piece of the wood chipped.?

What do I do?!!? Shes on vacation presently so I wont see her for about 7 days..but still! I cant replace it because I dont know where on earth she got it and I dont own the wood piece that chipped off.!! Its also one of her favorite bracelets. [its a set of 3..]


Sore Areola?

~well, to start, you could progress to the mall, "girl" stores, Wal-Mart, Target... anywhere that she like to go shopping... and newly SEE if you can find it - or at least something to be precise a close match, and buy it so you'll own it on hand when you TELL her the truth. Accidents come up, and she knows that. She'll appreciate your honesty, AND your force to correct the situation! You will more than likely own an even better friendship for your thoughtfulness.

I stopped taking birth control two months ago had unprotected sex w/ b/f missed my extent twice am i pregnant?

go to a jeweller.

Help me plz!?

I'm sure if you do the right thing your friend will comprehend. Offer to replace it.

Is it possible?

Tell her you were mugged and someone stole it.... and punched you contained by the face... consequently she'll feel guilty you get mugged and hurt for it and you'll be completely off the hook.

Just a rapid question for GIRLS?

well how big is the chipped spot? if its small your going to enjoy to tell her. if its big you still inevitability to tell her

Whats usual?

I would tell her the truth and if contribute to pay for a unsullied one, and give her your sincerest apologies.

What do you conjecture of the new cervical cancer prevention shot?

Well only be straight with her. After adjectives she is a friend hopefully she will understand i have a simillar problmem with my friend and we talk it out and she understood

It's after my spell and my breast are stilll sore and I dont know why can anyone help me?

See a woodsmith or a jewelry author and see if they can help you fix it, if they can't try and go and get a new one made for her!

Please lend a hand! A teenage girl press!?

Give her the money to buy another one. If she's a really good friend, she'll consent to you keep your money and be okay beside it. Don't panik. If she's really you friend, she'll understand it be an accident.

Does anybody know how long it take to regulate ur period after taking birth control pills for the 1st time?

and what does this own to do with women's vigour?? i hate it when those don't categorize things right.

Birth Control Pills?

Honesty is the best policy. Tell your friend what happen ask where she bought it so you can replace it.
Good luck sweetie

Has anyone have breast reduction?

You linger for her return. Then you tell her what you did and present to have it repaired if she tell you where she purchased it. Or, present her the repair cost so she can have it repaired herself.

Egg Donation?

Firstly try and fix it. secondly when she get back honestly recount her what happened (its better than her finding out after that and then getting silly at you for recking her things and then not relating her) but she may be mad (would you be) and she may re-evaluate lending you things again (can you blame her). angelic luck!

I need Help! SCARED!?


Its UGLY? No unused answers please?

Fill in the crack beside wax crayon and dont say a word.

Does Anyone Else Have Alternating Menstrual Cycles Lengths?

Just make clear to her what happen. Tell her that you try to replace it. This have happened to me beforehand and I just told them what come about. They understood what have happen. Hope this help.


I'm soooooo sorry.

Thyroid Medication!?

I totally agree with Kitten2!!

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