Just a quick give somebody the third degree for GIRLS?

about your period.

the actual "blood" that comes out, isnt a short time ago pure like substance.

is it conventional to have little blood clot things.
things that look close to tiny tiny little organs and stuff? hah

How to get rid of discharge? Can you receive a brazilian when you have discharge?

Very majority to clot. Anything from peasize to a grape. I am not a dr so I cant say you should slip away a LOT of them. But it is normal to surpass clots during your period and yes, it looks similar to you have released something that belongs support inside haha

Feminine question - be warn?

yes it is perfectly mormal to catch those clot things.

TTC simple question rob a look?

Yes, unless they are large. A little build-up and clots are conventional.

How do you work out your size?i weight 49kilos &my distance from the ground is1.58,i live in spain and my trouser size is 34?

Yes the little fleshy pieces are pieces of you uterus bin liner, which breaks up each cycle when you dont become pregnant.


It's regular to have clots, but if you enjoy large ones that ending the entire length of your period near heavy bleeding, consequently you should see a physician.

Booty problems?

Its Normal to have blood clots during your extent that can be quite significant, but if they get the size of a lemon you should see the doctor...If you are sexually alive and the clots are quite massive or have grey Matter contained by them then you might be have a miscarriage. If you arent sexually active you dont enjoy to be worried at all, everyone's body go through changes, for the first two years of my length, my flow was typical, and then suddenly it be heavy and next to lots of clots, but this is just your womanly hormones acting up, usually nought serious :)

If you do feel unsure, its best to run to the doctor and that will reassure your mind.

Which is better?

Yes, it's pretty normal to own clots, they are part of the cycle

What are some honourable websites to keep up next to my period?

it's conventional. it's the lining of your uterus. it's not freshly "blood" blood. it's shed because you didn't get pregnant and no fertilized egg needed it. it comes out and starts the cycle again.

Muscle discomfort?

Yes, this is outstandingly normal.not to verbs

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wow thanks for askin this put somebody through the mill ..it was somethin i be always wondering only just never bothered to ask someone i just figure it was average but wasnt 100 percent sure lol atleast i know now im not the only one this happen to

Could he be too big 4 me?

The whole purpose of your time of year is to get rid of the elderly lining surrounded by your uterus, not bleed. The blood comes from tearing the pool liner away from the uterine wall.

Many of what you think are clots are pieces of that bin liner. That same lining, if you become pregnant and deliver a tot, will come out pretty much in one piece, specified as the placenta or afterbirth.

Very normal to own clot thing--it's the whole origin for your period.

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