Braxton-Hicks Contractions?

I am 32 weeks and have be having braxton-hicks contractions pretty regular for the closing week. They are not very bumpy but sometimes are strong enough to variety me bend over a little to try to donate them room and not pull so complicated. I have have about 10 pretty knotty ones in the end 48 hours. Which doesn't really worry me, but be just wondering if it is a sign I may progress into early labor. I know it will still probably be a while but he have dropped a lot but is still breech. He kick so hard sometimes I focus a foot will fly out!! ( Sorry, but that's how it feels!) It have been 9 years since I have my daughter and I have forgotten a great deal. Can anyone help out? I hold had 5 within the last 2 1/2 hours that enjoy tightened up so much my belly turns different shapes. ( that's actually kinda funny) Like I said, I be just wondering if this manner I could possibly go into labor hasty. He is 4lbs. as of two weeks ago. So, he will be a whopper by the time he gets here any way! LOL

Bloating and gas during mensturation.What cause this and how can one avoid it or reduce it?

My kids be 5 years apart. These contractions were some exceedingly prevelent with my second one freshly like you are describing. I terminated up going into labor early and they completed up giving some drug to stop contractions. I then go 8 days over. That was my experience. I would hold timing them like you own been and if they come every 15 minutes pretty regularly, I'd procure in the hospital or a look in to the doctor. Good luck. Another baby. That is special. The 2nd one is so much easier because we are that much smarter.

Cramping so impossible,but had cycle for this month.The cramps come and budge but intense.Feels like I'm trying to come

When I be pregnant last year I started have Braxton Hicks around the same time as you. They are really self-conscious but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll step into early labor. I deduce it's your body getting ready for the big time. If they keep coming on a regular foundation and don't stop I would go to the doctor or ER only to be sure though.

My belly used to look like a watermelon during one and I'd own to stop everything I was doing and breathe, haha. I have them every single day up until I finally go into labor at 39 weeks. I remember having the regular Braxton Hicks and adjectives of a sudden one night hunch a period resembling cramping with every one and that's when I know it was time.

Good luck near your pregnancy!

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