Spotting and period not due.?

I'm 15. I got my time of year at 13 and have have a normal agenda for my period. I'm not due for another 2 weeks. I go to the bathroom before Spanish class, and found I be bleeding. I have merely bled a litte more then dime size amount. I havent really be stressed that badly. I'm not sexually helpful or on birthcontrol pills. this is the first time something like this have happened. I bled simply a tiny bit since 11 this morning. I didnt get any cramps, bloating or breast pain so I dont think its my actual time. What could be wrong?

Cycloset, ebexid and hemprovit..any kind of related information will be of gr8 relieve.?

sometimes periods may not be run of the mill it depends on the person shape of the body

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