Girls where on earth is the craziest place youv'e peed?


Roughly how much do breast implants cost?

surrounded by a cup on the back of a truck

Can your extent be ,later than run of the mill some months?

on your face.

Why do girls hold boobs?

Maybe not crazy, but really fun: the trough in the men's bathroom.

Swollen Ankles.anyone experience this?

maybe not crazy but wierd

I entail womens/girls help with the sole purpose!!?

in my ex's gym locker....hahaha....he had no choice but to wear his pee smelling gym clothes the subsequent day! sweet revenge it be!

Verseo Roller Cell Massage System.What has your experience be?

in a field subsequent to a moooooing cow that I was to drunk to know be there and I run b4 I was done near was a date I never recieved a second on.. LOL



What can I do roughly speaking nightime snacking?

Come on buddy,play out your golden shower fantasies somewhere else.Yuck!

Ive been on birth control pills for roughly speaking 2 to 3 years non-stop?

In the parking lot of a police station.
I didn't realize that until it was too tardy.
It was after midnight and so it be very brown. I almost had a stroke when I stood up and saw the sign. The police cars be not there.

Come stale pill and no period?

Back when I be about 15, some friends and I be camping out for tickets to see The Cure surrounded by concert.

This was at the Exhibition Stadium contained by Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

A few of us had to pee and we fixed to pee on a ramp leading up to the stadiums highly developed seats. We adjectives squatted at the top of the ramp and peed. We were have a "pee race" - a race to
see who's pee could reach the bottom first.

Hey, we be young and bored!!

And guys find to pee their names surrounded by the snow, so......

Has any 1 on microgynon 30 had bleed for 2 weeks when 1st starting pill?

What's your inclination with girl's pissing? IS that adjectives you talk around? From what I see in adjectives your questions, I don't draw from whats so interesting about that.

Can I carry pregnant?

Back seat of a saloon we had to use a coffee can ! It be a long ride in the middle of no where on earth.

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