Can I dance to the emergancy room for a yeast infection?

If I make an OBGYN appt. in a minute, I wont be able to see them until Tuesday.

Risk of Pregnancy?

Why? Just walk get some monistat from the pharmacy. They own 1 day treatments. Call your common practitioner and have them phone within a perscription for diflucan. You're way over-reacting to a super trivial problem. The simply time you need to even stir to a doctor, unless you haven't established a general pratitioner, is if OTC treatments aren't working or he asks you to come in since calling in diflucan.

Is this normal?

yes walk whenever you want

Why wont she talk?

Depends on how unpromising it is.

My cousin wants to know does anything own to do with when you get hold of your 1st period, if so what?

most def. that stuff is soo humiliated. it must be bad if the over the counter stuff doesnt work.


The emergency room may not bid that an emergency

Has anyone had bleeding in between period lasting 12 days?

You can, not sure if insurance will cover it or not tho. But if it's a regular yeast infection you can buy medication for it over the counter now, no obligation for a dr. unless you have complications save for itching and burning you might want to.

LADIES Who Have Taken Provera PLEASE HELP!!?

Why don't you try going to one of the walk contained by clinics, even most small towns have at smallest one of these.

Spoting on Nuvaring with antibiotics?

depends on how much money you own to waste. some clinics enjoy urgent care, no appointments and charge smaller quantity. You see the dr or clinician that is available, sometimes better than your regular doctor. They don't know you, but they a moment ago want to do the best job they can.

I HATE my increase!Whats wrong with me!HELP?

I wouldn't be waiting until Tuesday. If this is only just a regular yeast infection then you can treat it alone. Go to the store and acquire you some Monistat. I had one a few years put money on and this worked just fine. You will be in such agony waiting that long. You inevitability to treat the infection as soon as you can. It's very treatable at home, and it will clear up contained by no time. If you go to the emergency room they will treat it for you, but they will also communicate you to save yourself the time and money subsequent time by going to the drugstore and treating it with adjectives the available products they have. You will collect less time and money by treating it this opening. Trust me sweetie we know how you feel, however you can filch care of this on your own. If you hold tried everything to no avail then you should call upon it an emergency.

Have you ever had an orgasm doing stomach exercises?

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