Can a woman loose interest on sex at the age of 36?

Her periods are middle-of-the-road, but shows less interest in performing sex, is it majority or abnormal? Should an application be made to develop interest in her. Will it lead to any disease after that. Or this is how the life is adjectives about.

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Just as our days have murkiness and brightness, a woman's libido (interest in sex) also waxes and wane!
To make it more interesting, what are YOU doing, so that she finds you desirable?
Do you brush your teeth every hours of darkness before retiring? Have a shower, so that you smell desirable? Use deodorants? Keep fragrant flowers, candles, and aromatic herb in the bedroom? Do you behave virtuously with her, close to you do with other ladies outside the home?
Do you chat near her every evening on returning home, giving undivided attention to her talk-- with no guidance, no critical responses, just asking how her morning went?
What disease will in attendance be, for freely making love? The disease is in your mind!

May be, this would bring back the love !

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She probably finds the party that she MUST sleep with disgusting/ repulsive and or boring.

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no she become more sexy at the age of 36 years

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If she's been doing it for a while, and it's impossible to tell apart every time, then yeah that could come about. I started to hate have sex with my ex at 33. I won't jump into details but he made me feel similar to just should I speak a pus sy and nought else

Okay I need some aid please?

Even a man can also lose interest in sex, it depends on the mental condition.

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as a boy i can answer
yes, because in sex men r the drivers & women r passenger & they have no process out as they have 2 trust their drivers i.e. how much he will drive.

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Sex drive can be attributed to two things, physical and mental .First I would suggest a complete physical to see if there is any physical motive, hormone levels, etc. After that have been address look at any psychological barriers. This may require counseling. Not have sex will not lead to any disease....but 36 is a bit youthful, especially for a woman, to lose interest...It can only be physical or mental(emotional) at it's root, but it can organize to problems in relationships down the string.

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yes it is middle-of-the-road. after a women has a babe she just looses it, they don't get the impression like it... my friend have a baby at 19 and presently she's 22 and doesn't feel similar to's probably hormones changing.. when the time comes she will but don't push her, because that will sort even worse. or some people don't find it a necessity of vivacity

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its adjectives about her thinking if she cant do he cant do be positive and confident this make everything nice

Ladies with prickly periods, I have need of your help!!?


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yes it is normal , but it is upto you, to regain that intrest

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