How would you describe a period/PMS to a man? What is it REALLY similar to?

Every time I hear women talk more or less their monthly cycles (mostly my fiance and her animated, loud-talking girlfriends, I'm not really that nosy honest but I can hear them from adjectives the way across the apartment when the doors are closed), they seem to be to use code words or expressions that don't make any sense. They adjectives tell me "You could never feel being a woman, you enjoy no idea what period are like and how it feel to have PMS!!"

It's not that I doubt them; indeed, I don't know if I could knob being a woman, and I hold no idea what period are like or how it feel to have PMS. Of course, when I ask them to over-elaborate, they are at a loss for words, as if I am encroaching on an exclusive clubs' unprofessed password.

So I turn to you, anonymous females of womenanswers.orgs. Describe what it's like for you. Include experiences equally adjectives and available to both genders. Be as creative as you can, but be honest and credible as well. Points for imagination, but also comedy. Set the scene.

Going to the bathroom alot a sign of FIBROIDS?

Ok. Let me try to explain. First of all, the unbroken period entry. It's truly horrible. You bleed for a various number of days, you own to worry in the order of how long it's going to take to do stuff and variety sure you're near a bathroom when it's time to coppers whatever you use down nearby. Possibly making you lose out on something you really want to do (You don't see many if any women camp and stuff while on their periods.)

Then nearby's the cramping. Think of the worst Charlie Horse you've ever had. Now verbs that pain to your lower belly. It hurts to walk, could possibly hurt so much that it make you throw up (Personal experience) Makes you not able to do anything/go anywhere. This could later for a day or your entire time (Maybe a little earlier and after too) varies surrounded by intensity.

Ok, now the PMS (the time you enjoy while waiting on your period to return with here and cause you more agony and suffering)

Mood swings-These can happen anytime anyplace. You can jump from happy and smiling to crying to person extremely angry. All within a concern of minutes. This happens minus warning, and the smallest point may trigger it. (*Hint* Just stay on your best behavior, usually the heaviest before the time starts, maybe after as ably.)

Headaches- Or should I say Migraines? Same Charlie Horse mentioned above, except put in in your brain this time. sensitivity to fluffy, noise, smells. This is the hibernation spell when you go surrounded by your room, turn the lights off, shut the door and lay in that with a cool handkerchief on your head. May second the entire day.

Bloating- Ah yes, the *Favorite* of women. THIS is why we hold so many clothes guys. Think give or take a few it. Every month our bodies flucuate so much that we actually transformation sizes and can't fit into some of our clothes. We have our "pious jeans" and our "I'm bloated" jeans. PLEASE do not ask your girlfriends/wives which ones are their bloated jeans. It's the same as sea weight, it make you feel approaching you're huge, slows you down. This one starts building up the day after your extent, and reaches it's point before your time starts.

Diarrhea and stomach problems- Some women may suffer from this, not all enjoy to (Thank God) can happen anytime during "The Cycle" but usually happen right before.

Acne- Due to the hormone fluctuation, we may break out.

Tiredness- We attain really tired, like we've be running a marathon adjectives day by the time we carry home. *Massages really help here*

Breast tenderness- When you want to receive all touchy feely, if it's around "That time" she may want you to steer clear of her ladies. This vary by woman, level of pain and such.

Appetite changes- Another of the things you Should NOT mention. (Along with the bloated jeans) If we start pigging out further on of you, we don't want to be noticed. Just stroke like everything's run of the mill.Food cravings fall into this category too. Just correspond the flow.

The last item I want to cover is the fact that when ALL this PMS stuff go by- We have to sit and HOPE that our spell comes and that WE aren't pregnant because contraceptives aren't 100% . This is extremely nerve-wracking in those ladies whose periods aren't regular. However, we aren't going to deny ourselves pleasure only just for this. So please guys, wrap it up all the time or you will be facing PMS for the better portion of 9 months. (Not to mention the morning sickness and all the other symptoms of That.)

*This lovely cycle repeats every 28 days* Thus we are contained by almost constant pain and suffering. We deserve lots of attention, massage, and just broad pampering.

Please im so scar!?

Well lets see my dear Yahoo!Answers curious friend.
Basically let just influence the experience is TOO painful, too effrontery wracking, too annoying to describe to a man. Even though you want to know, you actually will never know how to know unless you are somehow(in a weird way) put within the condition of the woman..So sorry, all you own to know is the pain of cramps, bloating, labor, etc is totally something with the sole purpose woman can take, most men would totally die near their first cramp.

Period just come?

Ok, imagine have a knife stuck contained by ur lower stomach, and turned constantly for a week. Then sometimes, it feels resembling being kicked contained by the stomach repeatedly. Remember the worst stomach virus ya ever had? The nausea is resembling that.

Then add on a persistant headache, person so tired ya don't want to even move, and bloating up like a balloon.

And as you would expect, so that we can make men suffer too, we capture grumpy, even when we don't want to be. It's like an entire week of mortal pissed off. Then men hold the audacity to ask "What's wrong?" LOL JK

Slightly sagging after 3 kidshelp!?

Not every woman's term is torture and don't let them kind you believe it is. Yes some women do have tender periods. Typically a woman during her term will possibly have some or adjectives of these symptoms: bloating, gas, backaches, headache (sometime migraines), depression, severe cramps (kind like the impression you have when diahrea is hitting you), fatigue, over-emotional, sentiment bitchy, stressed, itching, sweating, and of course the reaction that you are peeing your pants adjectives day which you are in truth not but that is as close as I can describe it. Plus you verbs all morning about leak, smelling, and things like that. Hope that help.

Can you change your menstrual cycle?

PMS to me is resembling being really really really sensitive to things that usually wont make you sensitive if you weren't on your term. Simple things in life that u can usually brush stale as no big deal, IS A BIG DEAL within this case. Things we usually dont cry give or take a few, WE WILL CRY. If i'm not on my period and I appointment my bf and he doesn't answer, then fine possibly he is busy, but if im on my period and he doesnt answer, OMG IT WILL PISS ME OFF.

We will definately WANT OUR WAYS during this time. WE ARE VERY VULNERALBE AND SENSITIVE during this time intent WATCH WHAT YOU SAY AND DO. For example, my bf and I were on our passageway somewhere and everything was adjectives quiet next he thought it was the most very funny thing to terrify me sh*tless by yelling distinctly and grabbing my leg. Yes, on any other occassion i would be laughing histerically, but since I be on my period.boy be he in for one of the most evilest looks i could grant him, not only that, he be in for silent treatment for a couple of hours.

It feel like ANY LITTLE THING will piss us past its sell-by date.

Then again, I do tell him when my monthly is approaching and do transmit him im sorry ahead of time if i act brutal and brutal, selfish and inconsiderate. I also relay him that during the "period" do not take anything i vote or do personally. A lot of girls dont alert their guys, but I feel that if i alert him and say sorry ahead of time, that he will enjoy a heads up and be on his best behavior.

Other times he only just doesn't understand and think that I use PMS as an out or green light or an OK to run off on him and be a witch. He think I use it as an excuse and i try to tell him that I dont do it planned and i cant control it sometimes.

A guy friend once told me that he things "blue balls" are like the cramps woman get hold of when they are PMSing. When you PMS nothing fits your properly because of adjectives the water consignment you have retained, hence bloating. Your backbone hurts, your feet hurt, your boobs hurt. Its a moment ago not fun. It is an inconvienience for us woman. Ur period will some how handle to come on the worse days to come like if you be wearing white pants or something. It can turn out to be a mess! Not to mention also that we catch tired very slickly. Getting up in the morning and getting ready for work will tire me out rapidly.

NOTE: There are some girls on here that might not exactly be like me as deed this way, but this is how i am when PMS hits.

Will taking the Yasmin contraceptive pill shrink my PMS?

Well, it has absolutely made me curse the heavens a few times, but it's not resembling birthing children or anything. My best description:

Emotional: Sometimes I get for a while sappy during a Lifetime movie, but other than that nought much for me. About 80-90% of women get PMS, and luckily I'm not one of them.
Friends convey it as acting approaching a **, but not being competent to control it.

Physical: Lower back twinge to the extent that I fold my body over any vertical surface in attempts to help the pain. A lovely, monochrome rumble surrounded by the abdomen. Virtual narcolepsy. Dwindling sex drive. Not notion so hygienic, but not being competent to do much about it. None of it is agonizing, basically uncomfortable.

I imagine I've got it fairly easy. It's different for everyone, so it's manifestly a hard entity to describe. Hope you find some answers!

Pap Smear!!?

Hi,curious fellow this is what i know about period:-
Every month girlz who r mature usally 10+ girlz hold a monthly cycle which ocurs after 28 days or so during which the release matured eggs and when fertilized it turns into a baby.
when girlz who r not married during their period a soft coating ofblood vessels get formed but when no fertilization takes place these blood vessel brake down and flow out of their body through their vagina in the form of bloods and girlz uses sanitary pads(like whispher,stayfree secure) to absorb the blood or it will stain their undergarments and dress and leaves a stain stain in it. Their are tons types of flow heavy,feathery,reddish,neutral red etc . during this the have to suffer closely of pain and can't travel or sit 4 a long time as the receive up too much of them blood flows out, during this believe that the have every desperate pain. hope this is what u hoped to know in the region of.

Iron suppliment in period?

A few days before I in fact start bleeding, I develop mild cramps, I retain water/bloat, and any and every little thing pisses me past its sell-by date. I could ask my husband to take the trash out, unload the dishwasher, etc. (nothing important) and if he doesn't do it right next, I become irate. I don't throw things or hit him or anything like that, lol, but I'll a moment ago slam the dishes away in the cabinet, rip the bag of trash out of the can and slam the front door on my means of access out, etc. This always subsides when my time of year starts, and I'm reduced to mild bloating and pretty painful cramping (not weakening by any means, but have the lining of your uterus sloughing rotten isn't exactly pleasant) right in the center of my lower tummy, where my uterus is. A few days into my term when I'm bleeding heavily, I'll usually develop (and sorry if this is tmi, but you asked!) slightly watery/loose stools. Not diarrhea, but they're just looser than average. My ob/gyn told me this is the extra fluid I'm retaining. Some women pee it out, and some women (such as myself) lose it through their bowels. This usually only last a day.

Should i cover myself near leeches this summer?

Thanks for your question. Women are really embarraced by it. They'll try to prank around or avoid the issue as much as possible. humm honesty about it..I'm luckier than most. SOme women can bleed really stout for a week or more. Usually the first day is the worst, for cramps and bleeding. We be aware of dirty and grossed out and in misery. To varing degrees. This my dear is not pms. Pms usually go unnoticed by us. I didn't reolize that my thinking paterns and emotions and anger, or patients were altered. And even though I've become more aware of it, I still forget, singular after a few days or so I'd reolize that maybe it be simply pms that I was inkling so unsettled (is a mild way to put it). Disturbed more or less something. I resently thought that maybe it's our bodys instrument of dealing with disapointment for not getting pregnant. Due to the reality that pms occurs after ovulation (which is why we are usually ignorant that we are going through it because there or no definite good indicators that its happend. It's (my theory) that it's approaching morning, or a sence of loss. Of course this thought would be over ruled by a mob of angry women. But I really think I might be right.
Signs to sanction the after math of pms and the oncomeing of our period (get it) it ends surrounded by a period.
Hair appears almost over dark. Easiest place to notice would be eyebrow hackle.
boobs will firm up and become tender. Starting a week before.
We put away like pigs expecially a light of day or two before my length.
Cravings like red meat or chololate sometimes shift unnotied If you find your woman cranky Try red meat (not over cooked) and choclate. Throw in some flowers and you will be the king. BUT FOR GOD SAKE DON"T MENTION IT or you're going to BE the red meat.
Bloating a day or so up to that time.
We are bloated and pain occur because everything inside swells up (and remember we pigged out a day ago) and puts pressure on our bladders and poop shoots. Blocking everything because your body is very soon busy trying to remove the unused egg, like an infection. It's resembling having an abortion every month. Ok. I'm might be exagerating. But really, it's not fun to progress through it alllll the friggen time. Even if your lucky (like me) not too much pain or blood or time most times. There are thoughs women who enjoy it worse all the time.
Then every piece goes support to normal for a couple of weeks.

Try hiding the reality that you just come on your period when you didn't expect it and are not at home.
I hope I've be clear and gave you some insight.
Women who spend lots of time together may find their period change and arise alomst at the same time. SOme tribes hold been set to creat a Menstral hut. Where, when the women go on, they retreat to the hut untill it's over. Cool concept we could have a week long ** fest and come out adjectives lovey dovey again.

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