Birth Control? Confussing!?

Im about to start birth control, but im alittle heisitent to. Im worried give or take a few the side affects and what they can do to my health. Another entry about that that i dont get is, Can i take it past i start my period or do i hold to start it that same day? It also say if your taking certain kind of herbal supplements it can affect the effectiveness? But it doesnt christen which ones. Cause Im taking A herbal diet pill right now and i wonder if that will effect the pill? Help, im primary confussed!

I need suggestion big time!?

The answer to all of your question is dependent on what sort of birth control you're starting (a pill? If so, which?). Your best bet would be to get the mark of your birth control and ask your pharmacist or doctor these questions.

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Talk to your doctor. S/he should tell you exactly when to set off taking it, what side effects are common, what to monitor out for, and if you are taking any meds or supplements how they may interact.

You didn't say which b/c you be thinking of starting, so we cannot even tell you adjectives side effects or direct you to a website.

Do some research online on the various forms of b/c and types of pills, and consequently talk to your doc give or take a few which is best for your health and lifestyle.

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The main piece to moniter on birth control is your blood pressure. If it jumps up once you start birth control speech to your doctor because that can have denial side effects. However, birth control effects everyone differently so if you have the okay from your doctor and you are comfortable beside it the only agency you will answer your questions is to try it for yourself. Good luck!

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