Why am I having more frequent period?

I've lost about 70 lbs over the ending 10 months. I had my gallbladder removed concluding August. Before losing weight, I be on about a 30 - 35 afternoon cycle. The last few months, it's be every 27 - 28 days. Last month, it was 26 days. Today I'm starting at lone 21 days! I'm 37 years old and enjoy one 17-year-old daughter. I have never have any surgeries to my reproductive organs, not even my tubes tied. I'm married, but the only entry that's different is that we've been more live lately (since I lost so much weight). Any ideas?

Still sweat?

It could be a sign of endometriosis....
drop by your doctor....
much luck...and congratulations on the 70lb. weight loss...

When should I seize my first period?!?!?!?

cuz ur a feminine

My mom has breasts and so do the rest of the females and I don't, What's up near that?

Please see a doctor.

How many days a week and for how long should I step on my treadmill to lose weight?

You Might not wanna ask impulsive people this,
they could convey you wrong answer and you,
can get into something. I would ask a Doctor,

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!?

see your doctor straight away

Omg i srsly inevitability help!! someone please help out me.?

Hormonal changes. Sounds run of the mill to me.

What is vagina?

First ask doc! Sec... I went threw equal when I had my hysterocomy at a immensely young age of 24. Could be that you are going threw the modification but once again.. Get to you DOC!!!

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