Kidney stones??
Answers: You might own a kidney stone, just view for blood in the urine and also if you run a confusion, kidney stones run in our family connections i'm on my 4th one my first one i was pregnant and it get stuck and I had to own a stent put in to be in motion to the bathroom and then it be lithotripped after my pregnancy which is where they put you to sleep and blast it, my other 2 I be able to flush out and this concluding one I have have for 2 years, everyonce in w while it cause bad pay for pain but i'm waiting till it get so bad I own to have it blasted.
Just survey if you start to run a fever though it could be kidney infection and also scrutinize for the blood that can be many different things!
no, trust me, you would know if you have a kidney stone. its the wost would know. This is one for a professional robustness practitioner of somesort to check out, whether you choose gp or alternative is your choice but very meaningful to get it checked. Dont dally til it gets really seriousy desperate!
It's more than likely a kidney infection, not kidney stones. This can organize to kidney failure, so acquire to the doctor.