How should a 13 year old masterbate? Female answers solitary please?

i am 13 any find the erge to masterbate. i dont want any answers n how i should save it or anything stupid. I WILL REPORT YOU

Report me! Girls your age should be concentrating on university and home work!! You'll also be reported!!!!!!
Just experiment with touching and rubbing your clit.
The bump at top of vagina.
To slow, sensual music.
Experimentation by touch to see what feels moral to you.
sweetheart wanting to masturbate is very organic. but honey you should really take a examine as Private as this to your mother. or ask someone who you sincerely trust. asking a question as personal as this over the Internet is asking for adjectives the perverts in the world to aggravate you. no matter what munificent of warning you hand over. some people a short time ago do not care and will try to do what ever they can to any embarrass you or insult you.
Lie in the bathtub lower than a slow, steady stream of warm river.
you're going to report people who enlighten you to save yourself? wow. You must really be contained by a hurry to do it. I'll tell you to ask someone else and not attract the attention of the tons pervs on the internet.
i hold to say first its intuitive to experiment however you are 13 and you should really not ask a question resembling this on the computer cause it can attract some especially pervy like guys and consequently you'll be asking us a whole hot question.(p.s. populace who are telling you to salvage it aint doing it to be smart mouthed or insulting they are trying to help you out ; you in recent times cant see it that way....... now)