My friends that have their period say that they dont eat for like 2 weeks before it.?

is that true?
im 13.
i've been waiting for a while.
i know it's gunna suck once i own it
but i feel not here out cuz
im one of the only girls within school
that dont have their period
and it make me sad when i
hear them chitchat about.
What should i do?
Should i try to speed up the process?
What signs begin right before it happen?

Do you think if you hold a tear contained by your vaginal wall from having intercouse that this could wreak you to feel?

There is really nought you can do to speed up getting your period. And you should unambiguously be eating food the complete time of the month and not stop eating food at adjectives regardless of when your cycle is.

I think it would be great to swot up more about your sexual robustness at . its a really cool website. Check out that movie "the menstrual cycle," with the connection on the right side of the screen. You can also ask a examine on that website by creating an account and signing in. Its thoroughly helpful.

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your friends lie
your spell will come when it wants to
zilch you can do will speed it up
don't worry in the order of it cause it will drive you crazy
you are not missing anything
have a period sucks big time okay you will aversion it when you get it
so relish life and stop worrying


dude, don't surface left out, THEY SUCK and you go and get cramps and stuff, it might feel resembling a stomach ache and stuff, and you might want to ask u mom when she get hers, because usually it's close to the age that your mom got it

Does anybody know around cilest the birth controle pilles?

Hey. Dont listen to your friends. The only entry that matters is your body and not everyone elses. Just save a healthy diet and excersize and everything should turn normal and it should come when your body is prepared. Theres no rush and just be contented with and in need it. Really, its not that bad =)

I enjoy been have really bad itching in my vagina, and i dont really no what to do?

dont discern left out at adjectives.
period suck and dont do anything to speed up the process newly let ur body do it on its own.

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There is no way to speed up the process, and here may not be any signs to let you know when your interval is coming for the first time.

Mine just come one day, out of the blue. I didn't own any cramps and i was outstandingly surprised by it!

I know it must be difficult to hear your friends talk around something that you haven't experienced yet, but trust me, you are conventional. Some girls don't get their period until they are 15 or 16.

And I hate to say aloud this, but how do you know all of your friends enjoy already had their period? Maybe they aren't telling the truth because they are only as embarrassed as you are.

What do you do going on for a hairy lip?

Even if it be possible to speed up the process, you'd regret having done it.

Don't be despondent, there's no entail to feel disappeared out, you're not missing out on any fun without it.

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