Not sure about mucus plug...?

Just went to the bathroom and here was a small amount of white mucus-like discharge within the toilet, but it wasn't brown or pink... just white.

Afterward I used my finger to see if nearby was anything else up at hand (sorry for the details) and there wasn't...

Was this my mucus plug or not? (38.5 weeks)

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You can start to lose your plug up to 2 weeks past you lose your whole plug. I started losing mine around 38 weeks near both pregnancies and had my babies at 41 weeks and 42 weeks. You will know when you really lose your plug. It will be blood tinged and be amazingly thick and comparatively alot of it. SHortly after you may start having contractions and you'll be in position to go!

As long as you're not have contractions that are lasting 50 second or longer and coming very regular, and not spotting any blood or losing a plug that in tinged near blood and in a larger amount later I wouldn't worry. However it may be the start of your cervix thinning out to prepare for confinement ahead!

Good Luck!

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your mucus plug doesnt have to be pinkish colored it can be only white. I would call your doctor. what this essentially means is when you loose your plug you are dialating. and usually in that is more than a little bit of mucus within the toilet. My friend just have a baby within february and she lost hers about a week or so formerly she went surrounded by to labor. But it is a good concept to see the dr. YOu are well on your instrument it sounds. good luck more than plausible you will have more of this discharge because it is shedding its bin liner. which as the rest of it comes out it will probably be pink or brownish.

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As you probably know by now, getting pregnant introduces you to a new up-close-and-personal nouns with your body, and you find yourself wondering more or less things that never would have occur to you before. One of these might in good health be the mucus plug, which your healthcare practitioner probably has mentioned.

As she might enjoy explained, the mucus plug is just an log jam of secretions that form inside the opening to the uterus, also call the cervical canal. The certainty that mucus accumulates hasty in pregnancy is relatively beneficial, as it serves to create a protective barrier against infection between the outside world and your growing kid.

As you near the pause of your pregnancy, your cervix will begin to sinewy out and dilate. As it changes, you may lose your mucus plug and find a gooey deposit in your underwear or on the toilet tissue after wipe. It is not uncommon for this mucus to be mixed near brown, pink, or red streaks of blood from the changes occurring inwardly your cervix. Some women may lose the plug at 36 weeks' gestation, while many others may not lose it until labor have begun. Sometimes moms-to-be may not even become aware of that they are losing their mucus plug because it happens leisurely, over several weeks, and they've already grown accustomed to varying but increased amounts of the vaginal discharge that often accompany a normal pregnancy. If you are early than 36 weeks' pregnant when you see blood-tinged mucus, or if you have any vaginal bleeding beyond the first trimester, you should call for your practitioner.

Is labor soon to follow?
Rumors seem to abound when it comes to what it manner to lose your mucus plug. While there's only just a pregnant woman out there who doesn't wonder when exactly she will move about into labor, the appearance of the mucus plug does not answer this question near any certainty. That said, loss of the mucus plug is repeatedly the first sign that labor is approaching. Before you make a cracked dash to Labor and Delivery, however, remind yourself that lots women do not go into labor for a week or two after this event. In reality, if you are full term--which almost by definition means that you'll be warm your new babe-in-arms within the subsequent few weeks--there is usually no need to even bring in an after-hours call to your practitioner.

Whatever the grip may be, be kind to yourself during this time. Sit wager on, try to relax, and let personality take its course. Make sure to procure plenty of rest because you will need it after labor begin. You may be on your way to helping along a miracle any year now.

I still come up with that a quick call for to the doctor or emergency dept. wouldnt hurt ...just to be undamaging

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