First Period Stories or Experiences?

Is there any time of year stories or experiences you would like to share? ( No Boys or men please! )

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hahahaha. well, not my first term, probably my second. i was sitting in a double time of year class. so during break, i stood up, and my seat be COVERED in blood. omg. later my best friend who is such a loudmouth shouted it all the agency to China!! the teacher have to get the janitor to come contained by and disinfect it. oh geez. and my teacher kept giving me that ---i touch really bad for you so i'll only just wink at you every two seconds---look. but nobody that was nearby has ever brought it up. thank god.

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i started my length exactly on my 11th birthday. i wasn't scared- i had the confer already with my mom...

I missed my time of year last month and I am not sexually stirring?

Mine started on last Wednesday dark, I haven't had satisfactory experiences yet, and not really any stories. sorry.

I own to termanate?

I cried my eyes out the firs time I got my term. I don't think it's because I be sad. It be because of all the hormones within my body. It sucked at the time though.

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I started in 8th category and all I be carrying with me be a tampon because I thought pads be gross. Well I could only seize it halfway surrounded by, was belated to my 3rd hour, and VERY uncomfortable until lunch when I could progress visit the nurse. Not to mention flushed! I couldn't even explain why I was behind time because I had a manly teacher...


I be 11 and I was arranged to start 6th grade. Only my dad be home. I was contained by the bathroom and I was hoping if I kept shifting my underwear it would go away lol slim coincidence right

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I got mine on my 13th birthday.. I thought something be wrong with my stomache, I did not know that I have cramps until I started bleeding.. Then I knew.

I am a 32 yr.hoary mom of 3 (tubes tied) and my period have not come this month. no insurance, so what do i do?

WORST PAIN EVER! - i was throwing up lately cause the anguish was soo impossible. =[

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i startd when i was at my dads so i have to call my mom next we went to the store and that be bout it if you need anything at adjectives just email i can answer your question im 13 and started in december

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I started when I be 11 in the 6th title fixing to turn 12 anyways I felt something showery in my pant after we took this long test and we couldnt dance to the bathroom so I waited consequently went to the bathroom but some toliet daily down there until subsequently on when we could go to the bathroom and i told my educationalist I had something else wrong near me since I was embarrssed next I told my nurse she gave me a wipe.
but now I love tampons; pad make me discern uncomfortable I used to antipathy my period but its automatic for women.

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I get my first period after gym class on my 13th birthday. my mom call my gramma and even took me over there so she could congratulate me and communicate me i'm a woman now... next my dad hugged me and almost cried when he found out. i think i'll be scar forever from my weird household!

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