I'm worried about my breast, will you guys help me?

well sometimes I feel strain on my left breast, and other times my right. (which is extraordinarily rare) however the pain doesnt later too long ( not even 2 mins) and I search surrounded by the internet that this very majority for a woman to experiance. Another thing I own found out is that the pain comes earlier or/and even menstral cycle, I haven't had my mestral cycle on the other hand this month and I took a home pregnancy test later month and yesterday and proven negative. I took the home pregnancy assessment last month and proven cynical and a week later I have my period. I also havent have sex since May and I know the fact that I'm not preganant.
I own no lump on my breast, just it hurts a few second consequently it go's away. I'm extremely sorry to you all but I'm of late wondering if my situation is normal. Please oblige me

How can married women get rid of pubic hair ?

I f i were you i would win a mammogram done just to be undamaging! I dont think it is anything to serious unless the spasm is excruciating. Good luck!!

Stomach pains..?

You should be asking women,guys wouldnt know much about that.gain it checked anyway.

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