Physically, please explain to me why antidepressants make it harder to orgasm...?

I have taken several diff. kind over the years..I take Effexor XR right presently, and so far it only slows me down a moment or two bit, but I'm curious to why this happens.

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The exact physiological moving parts of anorgasmia with antidepressants is not agreed, although it is hypothesised to be related to alterations in dopamine. What is set is that it principally occurs surrounded by females (although can also affect males, who can also have erectile problems) and usually happen with SSRIs or similar drugs (such as Efexor which is a SNRI).

An crushing sex question?

takes your hormones away from your body

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Unfortunately antidepressants enjoy known sexual side effects (many general public who take antidepressants enjoy similar complaints). It's often best to agree to your psychiatrist about a lower dosage of your given drug or a drug that give you the same nouns but with lower sexual side effects. Also natter to your gynocologist as well because it could be your hormones too. It also doesn't hurt to try to something different and kinkier when you're one intimate with your partner - close to something new & exciting (new positions, foreplay, video, toys etc.).

A cupple of very defining questions here!?

these drugs build you dull and unresponsive. they deadened your nerves. look in to SAM-E as an alternative

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I am confused. How can you be depressed if you are sexually busy?
Try spending a lifetime of celibacy (I’m 39) and see how depressing life becomes.
Quit taking the drugs and savour life. My god you hold someone in you duration. You are a lucky individual.

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