How does a Misoprostol treatment work for expelling a miscarriage?

I've heard of miscarriages that do no expel essentially, so there are two option to get rid of the fetus. One is by D&C which is surgical, and the other is close to a pill or something called Misoprostol. Anyone ever have this done? Where does one get this, how long does it give somebody a lift to expel, and how does the process unfold?

What is this and please be very specific!?

You can look it up on the Internet. I am not sure of the unharmed process but I do know a girl who tried the pill method and it caused her allot of spasm and bleeding, she ended up hemorrhaging and it didn't work so she have to have a d&c anyways. I hear of alot of general public that say that pill does not work. Call an abortion clinic, ASAP because you dont want to procure futher along.

Is this exercise healthy for my boyfriend and I?

I'm going to assume the pill make the "baby" turn to pulp kind of similar to rat poison does to rats when they eat it, turns their insides to mush...

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