Ladies!..Need your opinion!Birth Control Q!?

Hi everyone,
I just wanted some womens honest opinions on birth control...I know it is the safest bet for preventing pregnancy but I just want to know how ye ladies really discern about it? I have merely taken a little break for awhile because I know I wasnt being myself...I be moody, irritable, tired, bloated, felt totally gross ALL of the time, i put on about 20lbs!! So my doc said to lug a break and for the first time in about 3 years I perceive like a fog has lift!
I'm just interested to know if there are other girls out near who feel the same as I do or am I on my own on this one!!
Genuine answers please !!
Thanks guys x x x

Answers:    What "birth control" be you on?

I was on the pill for ages and when I came rotten I lost 7lbs! I now have the surround and think it is wonderful. No periods, no mass gain, no worrying about taking pills or them making me sick. I literally hate children (sorry, no fault meant to anyone who loves them, we all enjoy opinions) and I am currently doing a PhD so it will be a while before I am in a proper craft when I can think about it and it would be the wrap up of the world for me ifI got pregnant because I couldn't bring myself to have an abortion (again, a personal article!) so I find that birth control stops me panicking every day that I'm pregnant! I reflect the slight annoyance sometimes is worth it for the big bonus of remaining child free!

Still, I wish there be a man's pill. We could alternate every 3 years or something!.
There are so many different types of pills out there. Everyone get different side effects and what might suit one person perfectly may present someone else horrible side effects. When you decide to go wager on on the pill then ask your doctor about trying one specifically known for less side effects.

I dont know what pill you be on but Microgynon is a very commonly prescribed pill but it tends to own more side effects than others such as Yasmin (which they first called the 'feel good' pill because a lot of empire really get on with it) or cilest.

Good luck.
ok i own never had this happen to me but my best friend adjectives of a sudden became real bitchy and moody. similar to she wasn't her self finally i told her to stop taking her birth control for a lil bit and see if that was the cause of it and sure ample it was. THANK GOD cause i needed to slap her sometimes!! haha i would never do that to her. but no, you are not alone in this matter.. I be on 3 different pills (low and reg. dose) and the patch and they all made me take a long time to grasp aroused. My husband would be touching me and he might as well be rubbing my arm.
I got pregnant as soon as I (accidentally) come off the pill. So I don't know if my feelings that things are better bad the pill are just from pregnancy or not. But sex is a LOT easier to initiate now.
I don't know what other BC method to try after the kid comes, but I don't think it will be the pill. Do people still use diaphragms? .
hiya when i be on the pill i put lots of weight on i was moody ratty and go of SEX completley came off it and go back to my old self and get my sex life back again here must have been somethink contained by the pill to turn me of sex strange but true must effect people in different ways .not be on it since Yes, absolutely. And my sister felt one and the same way. When you come off it, it's resembling you are yourself again.
I however, am back on the pill - the contraceptive injection was even worse for adjectives those things you mentioned.
So no, you are not on your own in thinking this!.
I love love love the pill I'm on. I take Yasmin.
My term is lighter and shorter, i'm less moody. It has cleared my skin right up. I've grown a cup size (a blessing, lol). I enjoy gained maybe 5 pounds over the final few years, but I don't think it's related to the pill.

Maybe the pill you were on be not the right one for you..
The symptoms you describe tend to be related to the estrogen in the pill, so a pill with a lower estrogen amount should help out this. I've been through it all, so I know. This site is really agreeable for choosing a more suitable bcp (i'm assuming you are not form the UK, as this is an American site link):

Hope this helps. xx.
I just started taking Yaz give or take a few four months ago and I LOVE it! I was warned that I might gain counterweight and become more irritable, but so far so good! Hopefully it'll stay that way! :) sorry but I a moment ago had to reply to the coke comment...NEVER put anything up there that doesn't belong contained by the vagina unless you want to get an infection!
try putting coke cola up there after sex it ment to eradicate spearm . You're definitely not alone on that one. Not every type of birth control is right for everybody. You just own to find the one that you like best and works well for you. I first started out on the Pill and I completely hated it, I had terminated up just stopping taking it and didn't use anything for a couple months until I had a checkup near my GYN, told her I had stopped it because of how it made me feel and we go on a journey trying to find one I liked. Finally settled on the patch. I've never really have any side effects from it, it doesn't fall off close to everyone says. The only entry I think I've gotten from it was that I've notice since I've started it I've gotten headaches more frequently. And I'm tired a lot of the time, but I estimate that's more because I have a horrible sleep pattern.

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