Please help, I am a week late?

I am a week late, but enjoy taken a pregnancy test and it come back denial. I took it in the morning, similar to the box said. What else could cause me to miss my term? I am on birth control, so I am very regular. I am starting to capture concerned. And I wanted some proposal before I ring up the doctor. Thanks!

have you ever gotten pregnant using a condom?

I would firstly take a pregnancy check again if you have a spare one, a moment ago to be sure! Secondly, there are lots of reason to miss a period so don't verbs yet! If you are on the Pill this can wreak a bit of havoc beside your cycle and depending on the type can cause you to skip a few, own you just changed Pill or gone on it just this minute? Also, simple things like stress, or airplane travel, or a strong change surrounded by diet or losing weight can knock it out slightly. When you are on the Pill you catch a "fake" period anyway, so it's of late more likely to be some antipathy with the Pill - possibly your body is still getting used to it. I would definitely speak beside your Doctor, you should get it checked out, but please don't start to verbs yet...give somebody a lift the pregnancy test again if you can, and if that's not the inflict discuss with your Dr the effects that the Pill might be have on you (if it's not stress etc...). Some women on the Pill never get period and it suits them fine but have a chat beside your Dr about what your expectations are. Some Pills are prescribed to stop your period deliberately if they are troublesome so don't verbs, it's just that it doesn't come across so powerful but it really is very strong and can do adjectives kinds of things to your body! Good luck! :-)

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There could be a number of things cause you to be late. Changes within diet, stress... Only your doctor can tell you for sure.

Girl pl aid?

Being anxious/nervous will also make your term not come. Go the health department and carry a blood test to unruffled your nerves and make an apt. next to your ob/gyn either bearing.

Women, cancer and the pill?

wait 3 or 4 days and take it again

Is within by any chance a faster approach to boost your growth?

This is commen if you are on birth control,it can be caused from stress.

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stress, increased excercise, poor diet, immensity loss or gain could all contribute. some forms of birth control are also infamous for causing skipped period. you don't say what you're on but Mirena, Depo, and Nuvaring adjectives result in drastically light or ansent period (which is a godsend for some women). If the test come out negative don't verbs. by a week late, a false gloomy would be extremely rare. if you miss your spell next month too, contact your doctor.

I havn't started my time what shall i do?

You may be to early on contained by pregnancy for a home test to detect.
There is a long document of things that can cause a unpaid period within a person who is regular or otherwise(infection, cyst, pregnancy, bad health, stress, hormones...etc. etc.)
The best thing you can do is see your doctor(which it sounds resembling you plan on doing) and ask for a blood pregnancy test.
It will probably pilfer at least a week or so to acquire in anyway, unless you progress on a emergancy visit, so you will own time to see if it comes.
It isn't that unusual for your period to every in a minute and then be a bit "lazy" contained by matter how regular you are. So don't verbs to much and talk to the doctor ... better not dangerous then sorry!

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There are frequent things that can caused a late/missed term. Stress, excercise, change surrounded by diet, hormonal imbalance. I tend to find that stress cause late length most often. Sometimes stressing going on for not having your time of year is enough to clear it very unsettled! I've worried mine 2 weeks late within the past. If you're belated and you took a test, near is hardly any fate you are pregnant. Just relax and give it another week. If you experience any other problems, move about to your doctor. Otherwise, just try to lurk it out and see what happens.

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