Are these symptoms of something serious?
I have pave the way pains like sharp shooting and or throbbing pains usually going on for the sides of my head. They don't ending long but have become more frequent. I'm also becoming extremely forgetful, I sometimes even hold difficulty thinking of and pronouncing words that are simple and I've known for years. For example the other sunshine I couldn't say the word plum. I also own a hard time focusing and concentrating. From time to time I bring red spots on me like a unthinking but doesn't cover a big area and it doesn't other itch. I also have sore spots from time to time on my legs , arms, hand, feet, and side. I'm usually especially tired and don't have much life either. I've be to a couple od doctors recently and they adjectives think I'm a impeccably normal 23 year ancient. I just quality that something isn't right though. But i'm not sure where to dance from here.
Can you leave a tampon contained by all hours of darkness?
My expertise is more in the continuum of female specific form issues, like reproductive issues, etc., so I can't report to you what I think is wrong near you, but what you're describing certainly isn't typical or regular for a 23 year old. If I be you I would hunt down a really good neurologist, trade name an appointment, and go from at hand.
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this is something for a Dr to answer as most of us wont be able to=sorryA markedly blunt question in the region of women's health?
go to a chiropractor.. docotrs dont know how to help out the nervous sytem and this is adjectives nervous system symptoms.. you involve to a chiropractor SOONHow do I get rid of stretch grades?
WOW! At first thought, sounds like it might be migraines but as I read on, it sounds similar to it may be something else. I'm sorry the doctors' aren't much help. Perhaps you want to attain a couple more doctors' opinions. I other say that you know your body best.Will a girl(virgin) be sore after have her first intercourse?
this to me sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome, enjoy you seen a doctor? except,go this is not to be fooled around wih,its a serous condition,not alarming ,in recent times as the first word suggests chronic.,you feel as if you be being pulled through a small hole. see your doctor . rubberstampr