What do guys really think of stretch marks!?

looool ive always wonderd im cheerful with my body im 16 and i sudeenly get hips and my figure ect. and i get like these little stretch results grrr so angry well i get a loving white mum and a rich black daddy so mum needs to update him to get them laserd offf yay ;) x


i am going to the doctors for a physical and some shots.?

ur silly give an account ur daddy i need a unusual car afterwards

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I got mine from have kids. My hubby loves them (or so he says) cuz they are like a decoration. That I'm the mom of his kids. It's sweet.

i hear cocoa butter or shea butter works well on them

Yeast or bacterial infection?

cocoa butter doesn't work on them. I deduce the stretch mark appeal is different on respectively female. some women can receive away with them, some can't.by themselves , they aren't so discouraging, with a couple jelly rolls flaccid over them. not so great.
don't worry something like them if you have them. younger guys are more disgusted by them than elder guys, so when you get elder, they will mean smaller number and less.

Can one become pregnant formerly the next time of year comes and what are the symptoms and if those symptoms don't hpn

Well. I don't really understand what the problem is consequently. Just get your rich black dada to laser them stale.

As far as what do guys think of stretch put pen to paper's? Well some guy's don't mind them, some hate them, some love them. As long as you're at ease with your body thats adjectives that matters. If a guy can't see bygone someones stretch mark's or flaw's after they are the one';s losing out anyway!

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Any guy that care about you and is really attracted to you won't be turned bad by them.

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