Brown vaginal discharge?

I have a put somebody through the mill. I've had brown vaginal discharge for nearly 5 days now. I start my time in a few days, but I've hear that it might be old blood that's making it brown. But that purely doesn't make sense that i get hold of before my time of year, or is it?? I'm not pregnant and I've never had an infection. My diet have changed a little. I've be exercising more and eating less/healthy. I can't amount it out.

Pain during intercourse. . .?

Don't worry. Our period can fluctuate in regard to color of flow (anything from pink to bright red to brown). However, you might want to see your gynecologist to have the brown discharge investigated since it could be cervical erosion, a totally middle-of-the-road condition where the cell grow out of the cervix. This condition is caused by sexual intercouse, tampons and the insertion of a speculum so almost adjectives females have it at one time or another...and usually frequently. In certainty, most females aren't aware they have it because they hold no symptoms and the doctor cauterizes it with special swabs during their routine gyn exam.

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