When you lose substance does your nose acquire smaller and/or skinnier?

You know how people, when they return with older their snout is more defined or smaller sometimes, why does that happen? When they capture older do they grow into it or when they lose counterbalance does it get smaller or skinnier? I'm 16 but i don't approaching the way my feeler looks from the side, i think its too big so when i'm 18 i want to win surgery but until then what can i do? I don't want to hold to wait to do anything until consequently, it really bothers me because when i was 10 i have a cute little button nose but over the end 2 or 3 years its grown and i hate it!!

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Your nose is made of cartilage and undesirably cartilage never stops growing!! If you are too thin, your muzzle may appear to be larger... In my opinion, you obligation to wait until you are surrounded by your 20's to do anything. You are still growing and your nose is not done developing. If you are a feminine, you can do some touch-ups and trick the eye with makeup to make it look smaller!! :)

I decision you the best!!

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I don't conjecture you can make your antenna smaller by losing weight. A creature's nose change as they get elder for the same defence the rest of their body changes...time have that effect on all of us. Try not to detestation it so much...you may not appreciate the way it looks sometimes, but it's a quantity of who you are naturally.

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No -
it may appear thinner, because a large freight loss can make your frontage appear more narrow, which can diction your nose size and shape.

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Nope...And guess what I dont construe anyone like the route their nose looks from the side.In reality I hate my profile adjectives together.But I would never ger any cosmetic surgery,too scary and a 50/50 of a mishap

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you are in recent times starting to notice different sized nose on others as you say yours have gotten bigger=you can have cosmetic surgery if you want but it is expensive and doesn't other work

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It's not related to your weight.

The lower, cartilaginous, portion of your antenna, and of your earlobes, will change shape, unanimously by getting longer.

Your problem has nought to do with your antenna and everything to do with your perception of your muzzle. That's not a body issue but a body image issue, and it involves the 12 inches between your ears.

Please draw from some counselling on this one. Learn to love yourself as you are.

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The size and shape of the trunk does not change when you loose or gain weightiness, but it does change beside age. Sometimes, what seems approaching a large feeler in our teens become a hugely proportional nose within our 20's, because the rest of the head grew up. The feeler is usually the first to grow for most teens, then the rest of the leader follows. I don't know the reason for that.

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your muzzle will not get smaller lacking surgery...but it does grow throughout your life...

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Well, if you own a big nose and desire to lose weight, it will become more apparent because the skin around the nose is stretching and it will stretch around the shape of your trunk. Surgery isn't a good route either - in that's lots of complications that can go beside it. You could get infections [serious] ones that could snuff you and you could pay thousands and procure a completely different result than you asked for, and nothing you can do nearly it. You could claim compensation, but is it really worth that much hassle?

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I really don't know....sorry :(

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