Pimple problem..Give me a nouns.?
Answers: salaams,
drink lots of water to flush your system. avoid slippery and fatty foods as well. verbs your face repeatedly during the day. use an exfoliating scrub at dark to remove the dead skin and clear your pores. use a cotton pillowcase. take care not to go overboard near cleaning your face, because if you dry your skin too much it will impose you to actually produce more oil. if you are now wearing a nikhab since you enjoy married, it could also be a reaction to the detergent you use to rinse your clothes now one in contact near your face. you may want to try hypoallergenic degergents and see if that help. good luck sister!
Oily foods don't raison d`??tre pimples. That's a myth.
Do you by any chance touch your facade a lot? Sometimes it's uncomplicated to get into that craving. I know I sometimes forget when I'm sitting at my computer at work. Be very punctilious about that.
What ever you do dont pick at your facade! i know its to hard sometimes simply let it run its course and clean up your face if you touch it alot!