The condom came off during me! That is my form of BC?
what are my chances of person pregnant if he didnt ...what could I do now so I dont own a baby??
Do I entail to be on my period to remove my iud?
I would be in motion get the morning after pill depending on when it happen.
The morning after pill
how do you know if you're have a miscarriage?
The morning after pill - within 72 hours of the incident.If its not MS what could it be?
get the morning after pill aka plan b. and step for an std test if you're worried in the order of std's.and next time fashion sure the condom is a good fit and on properly so it doesn't evolve again :)
What can you do, so you don't have a babe is to not have SEX!
as long as it didnt break you should be ok b/c the condom have came bad in me to close to it wasnt stuck but i had to verbs it out of me (kinda grose i know) but i was fine and nutted alot so you should be ok.
embarassing, I've have it happen. Almost other from him staying in after losing his erection. He needs to swot up to get out back he shrinks. lol
Go get the morning after pill.