how do you know if you're having a miscarriage?

i'm not even sure if i was pregnant bc i took urine oral exam and they came backbone negative but my cycle still hadn't come on for more than a few months and consequently it just lately came on and it is ridiculously filling with LOTS of clotting. Could it be that the urine oral exam didn't pick up my pregnancy and that i needed a blood test and that i be pregnant and now is have a miscarriage. A super plus absorbency tampon won't even hold the blood and i have changed my wad 16x already today. Is there a examination a doctor can do to determine whether or not I am having one or if i only just had one?


what is the function of the OTC meds such as UTI Relief & are they past the worst to use with antibiotics?

Many women hold miscarriages and don't even know it. Have you experienced any cramping at all? It is possible that the blood question paper was done too impulsive and that you were pregnant, however, perchance it is just a big flow this month. I am not sure if the DR can do a test or not. I would assume that the HCG level would still be in your system and a blood assessment could come back positive. Call your DR.

prolapse uterus?

Most doctors will relay you that its hard to determine if you are have a miscarriage during and after. They can tell if your cervix is open, which means within is a great chance you are miscarrying. If you guess that you are, you should go to the doctor to brand sure that you dont need a DNC. Either road miscarriage or not it sounds to me that you need a check-up in recent times to make sure that nil else is going on.

What's wrong with me?

It sounds close to you are having a miscarraige but I don't know. See a gynecologist or progress to a clinic to get checked out. If you hold changed your pad so normally, it seems rather extreme. I might have the nurse check it out only just to make sure. You want to engineer sure that you don't have a shred in the bin liner of your uterus. To help alleviate, drink rasberry tea. It gets your uterus posterior in working command a bit.
Again, please consult someone. I would hate to enjoy you bleed out over night or something!
obedient luck.

Pain after a tubal litigation ?

I just have a miscarriage. I didnt even know i was pregnant until i be almost 3 months. The doctor can do the HCg level examination and determine if you were pregnant. I know when i lost my little one after my surgery i had clots of blood coming out that looked approaching a tampon there be pieces of the fetus. You should ask your doctor to run some tests.

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